[Paid Release][RedEM:RP] RicX Addon - Hunter

RicX Addon - Hunter

RicX_Dogs Addon - Players can use their dogs as hunting dog, after killing a small animal or bird with a gun or bow, the dog will run to the prey, grab it and will bring back the carcass to its owner. Dog will not bring any new prey while it is still holding an animal. Player’s dog is also available for guarding job, the dog will bark at and attack the attacker (human ped) of the player. Both actions’ XP requirements can be set in the config file.

RicX_Skinner Addon - Players can find Hunting shops, where they can buy different hunting gears, and they can sell any item from ricx_skinner

1. Features

  • Easy to use and edit
  • Low CPU usage

2. Dependencies

  • redemrp
  • redemrp_inventory 2.0
  • ricx_skinner
  • ricx_dogs

3. How to Install

    1. Put ricx_hunter into server-data/resources/
    1. Open server.cfg and add after the RedEMRP resources: ensure ricx_hunter
    1. Make sure all the items from skinner are added to inventory2.0’s config file
    1. Enable the RicXHunter Config in ricx_dog resource


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I am very satisfied. You are posting great content!