ESX Car Drift is a highly configurable drifting ressource for FiveM. It allows players to customize their vehicles by installing a driftkit. These driftkits will make their cars more suitable for drifting races or similar activities they pursue. The activity of drifting gains a lot more immersion but especially functionality by using this ressource.
Features, which this ressource provides:
Improved handling while drifting
Realistic approach by using Items & Animations
Vehicle whitelist to ensure only certain vehicle classes can use drifting kits
Full SQL Database support with no nested queries and performance target
Completely OxMySQL ready
Great clientside performance (No FPS drops)
Simplistic but yet useful configuration file
Installing the driftkit
Drifting in action
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Dependencies? What do you need to run this ressource?
Any Database Wrapper (e.g. mysql-async or oxmysql)
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