[Paid-Release] Auto Invoices

Auto Invoices!

Price: 19$
Includes me supporting you with setting up other bill scripts to be compatible

About this script:
This script is for all ESX servers who see a problem with players paying off their bills in time!
This makes it so when X days pass by [configurable] this script will automatically try to pay them off using the player’s available money.



  • Automatic Starts
  • Automatic Start-Time [What hour & min of the day will the script trigger]
  • Enabled Notifications
  • Days since invoice date to start paying off
  • Maximum percentage of player money this script will be able to use
  • Discord Log
  • Discord Webhook & Name
  • Billing table
  • Using a second billing table & name of it
  • Using a command
  • Command-name
  • Event-name
  • Language [Currently supported: English & Swedish]


  • Purchase the resource from Tebex
  • Check your provided E-Mail for the resource and read the “README”
  • Copy the script over to your server resources
  • IMPORTANT: Contact me and get IP whitelisted and set up your other bill scripts
  • Start the script after being IP whitelisted


This script is IP-LOCKED!
Contact me after purchase, more information will be available within the README.

None available as of right now.



I don’t know what to include in preview, this script checks through database for x day old bills/invoices and pays them using the player’s available money.

19€ For something that can do everyone. I’ll post free version tomorrow lol.


haha good

You are not allowed to sell IP Locked scripts…


You can go ahead and comment that on every single locked script :slight_smile: A mod wouldn’t have approved this if it was against T.O.S right?

Go ahead, no one is forcing you to buy :joy:

Doing this is a crontab and sql queries. But then again, don’t blame the guy who makes it blame the people who choose to buy it instead of learning to do it themselves.

See this post:

were is writed:

‘Paid scripts’ should not be ‘encrypted’ at all in the first place, especially using weird custom solutions that eat performance and rely on a third-party auth service.

Why would we mandate mentioning something that’s not allowed to be a thing in the first place?

by the deterministic_bubble Cfx.re Dev Lead

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It is not explicitly disallowed to encrypt paid scripts, as far as I know (note the word “should” in bubble’s message), but anyone who does will need to be ready to revamp their encryption and other validation methods once CFX releases a once-and-for-all method of doing so.
In any case, you should not pubclily confront the OP with issues like these - flag the post and privately explain to the moderators.

Thank you, like I wrote before: This post wouldn’t have been approved if it was an issue, I clearly state that the script is IP-Locked, even though this script doesn’t have a preview all my other previews are with the “encrypted” versions which show no difference in performance. Like you said, I am ready to change method whenever CFX comes out with any info about this.

And my IP-Lock doesn’t use any 3rd party software etc.

Please send us a copy of your resource for vertification to moderators group.

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Hello, need videos before buy :slight_smile: thx

This script has no real preview as all it does is serverside, I cannot show that in a video. If you know what I mean. If you want a detailed explanation you can send me a message :slight_smile:

Sounds like a good script, but $20 is a bit high for what is does and it being IP locked is super wack. :3