[PAID] RedM Blip Menu System

Blip Menu System

:round_pushpin: Tebex ($5.90)

This system is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of locations on the map. Developed to help players easily find important locations on the map, this system offers the following features:

  • All features of the system can be customized with just a few lines of configuration. Blip categories, colors, and hash values can be easily defined.
  • You can create as many blip categories as you want. This feature is ideal for grouping and managing different types of locations.
  • The menu can be opened with the β€œ/blip” command (the command name can be completely changed). This allows players to quickly access locations on the map.
  • You can control whether blips are visible when the player first enters the server. This helps reduce clutter on the map, ensuring that players only see the blips they need.
  • Players can select blip categories from the menu, and blips within those categories can be toggled on and off. This provides a more organized map experience.
  • he system has predefined locations like barber shops, banks, weapon shops, clothing stores, bathhouses, post offices, and butchers in the configuration. You can also add your own categories and locations if needed.



Dependencies: ox_lib

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 280+
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes