[PAID][RedEM:RP & VORP] RicX Chickens - Businesses, Coops and Breeders

RedM Script - RicX Chickens - RedEM:RP & VORP Script

This RedM Scripts provides different functions for farmer players. Coop Businesses, Placeable Coop Carts and Bird Breeders can be managed by the owners easily in many ways. Different kind of birds can be used in Coop Carts and Breeders, in Businesses only the chickens/roosters can be used. Coops can produce eggs if the condition of the animals are good, and the breeders will let players to hatch eggs with compatible birds.

Coop Business

Players can buy Coop Business, 27 pre defined Busnisses can be found by default.

The business can be managed in different ways:

  • Sell Business / Cancel Sale
  • Change Product Prices: Sell Egg, Buy Services
  • Change Business Name
  • Change Business Map Icon and Color
  • Add Needs for chicken: Water and Food
  • Buy Chickens
  • Chickens: Remove or Sell
  • Take out Eggs
  • Ledger: Deposit or Withdraw
  • Statistic

Players can put on sale the business anytime or cancel it if they want to do that.
Business Shop can be profitable in the good areas and with the good prices.
Easy to change the basic parameters of business, like name, map icon and color.
Keep the chickens in good condition by providing them food and water, so they will produce eggs. Cleaningness of the Coop is important too, make sure to leave some money in business ledger to keep it clean.
Manage the chickens inside the Coop easily, buy, sell or remove chickens. Removing chickens is available before they start producing eggs. Chickens will die eventually due of ageing.
Taking out eggs from Coop is easy but make sure to leave inside some for the customers too for purchase.

Coop Carts

Players can get Coop Carts items and use them to place in the wild west. Once the Coop Cart placed, it can be filled up with animals, food, water or clean hay. If the conditions are good for the birds, they will start produce eggs which can be removed by the owner anytime. Make sure the animal matches with the Coop Cart type before getting new one, so the bird will fit in the Cart. Chickens can be removed before they start producing eggs. Chickens will die eventually due of ageing.

Coop Cart Types:

  • Chickens
  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Loons
  • Pheasants
  • Prairies
  • Quails
  • Rio Grande Turkeys
  • Common Turkey (1)
  • Common Turkey (2)

Bird Breeders

Players can get Chicken Breeder items and use them to place in the wild west. The Breeders can be used to hatch different type of eggs with matching birds. Keep the condition of the breeder and bird in good condition and eventually the egg will hatch and the 2 birds can be removed by the owner.

1. Features

  • Different features for bird farmers
  • Businesses to manage
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Low CPU usage

2. Dependecies
2.1 RedEMRP
redemrp + redemrp inventory 2.0

2.2 VORP

3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_chickens into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_chickens” after dependecies
  4. Configure the config file if needed
  5. Import the sql file
  6. Add the items to inventory system
  7. Restart the server

Unlocked version:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +2500
Requirements redemrp/vorp
Support Yes

Locked version:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Requirements redemrp/vorp
Support Yes

Subscription version:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Yes
Requirements redemrp/vorp
Support Yes

Files (Locked Version & Subscription Version)

Tebex (Unlocked): https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5157812
Tebex (Locked): https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5157813
Tebex (Subscription): https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5157816



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