[Paid] [RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR & RSG] Happy Sheep

RedM Script - Happy Cow - RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR/QR & RSG Script

Happy Sheep is an exciting script that allows you to enjoy the immersive experience of sheeps shear with realistic animations. Immerse yourself in the role of a farmer and master the art of sheeps shear in your server. This script offers a multitude of customizable features to create a unique experience for your players.


  • Sheep Shear
  • Location Management
  • Custom Cooldown
  • Job-Specific Access
  • Map Blips
  • Random Rewards
  • Advanced Customization


Framework progressbar

Config :


--[[(FR) Vous pouvez paramétrer ici le script en focntion de vos besoins.]]
--[[(EN) Here you can configure the script according to your needs.]]

-- (FR) Ne pas modifier
-- (EN) Don't modified

Config = {}

-- (FR) Si vous souhaitez que la tonte des moutons soit réservé à certains jobs spécifiques Config.jobs = {"job1", "job2"} ou non Config.jobs = false
-- (EN) If you want the shear of sheeps to be reserved for certain specific jobs Config.jobs = {"job1", "job2"} or not Config.jobs = false

Config.Moutonjobs = {"job1"} -- false

-- (FR) Nom de la progressbar
-- (EN) Name of the progressbar

Config.MoutonProgressbarText = "Vous tondez le mouton..."

-- (FR) Modifier en fonction de vos items laine et ciseau dans votre bdd
-- (EN) Modify according to your wool and scissor items in your database

Config.ItemMoutonCiseaux = "scissor" -- false (FR) Vous pouvez choisir si le joueur a besoin d'un item pour tondre | (EN) You can chose if a player nedda item or not to shear
Config.ItemMoutonLaine = "wool"

--> REDEM:RP INVENTORY 2.0 <--  ["wool"] = { label = "Laine", description = "De la laine pour tricoter", weight = 0.2, canBeDropped = true, canBeUsed = true, requireLvl = 0, limit = 1000, imgsrc = "items/wool.png", type = "item_standard",},
--["scissor"] = { label = "Ciseaux", description = "Des ciseaux pour couper", weight = 0.2, canBeDropped = true, canBeUsed = true, requireLvl = 0, limit = 1000, imgsrc = "items/scissor.png", type = "item_standard",},

-- (FR) Modifier si vous voulez un cooldown entre les tontes des moutons
-- (EN) Modify if you want a cooldown between the shear of each sheep

Config.MoutonCooldown = true -- false

-- (FR) Placer les moutons au coordonnées souhaitées x,y,z,h les coordonnées du blips d'interaction x2,y2,z2,h2, et définissez leurs un scénario 1 = Calme, 2 = Boire dans l'abreuvoir et 3 = Manger du foin
-- (EN) Place the sheeps at the desired coordinates x,y,z,h the blips action coordinates x2,y2,z2,h2 and define their scenario 1 = Calm, 2 = Drink in the trough and 3 = Eat hay

Config.MoutonPNJ = {
    {id = 1, shearCooldown = 86400, Hash = "A_C_SHEEP_01", x = 1373.5501708984375, y = 325.3640441894531, z = 87.72662353515625, h =  80.4180404663086,   scenario = 1},
    {id = 2, shearCooldown = 86400, Hash = "A_C_SHEEP_01", x = 1368.1107177734375, y = 319.481201171875,  z = 86.97663116455078, h =  102.78352355957031, scenario = 2},
    {id = 3, shearCooldown = 86400, Hash = "A_C_SHEEP_01", x = 1367.48828125,      y = 329.1331481933594, z = 86.99646759033203, h = -134.35018920898438, scenario = 3},
--[[{id = x, shearCooldown = x,     Hash = "A_C_SHEEP_01", x = x,                  y = x,                 z = x,                 h = x,                   scenario = x},]] -- (FR) Ajoutez en autant que vous souhaitez | (EN) Add as many as you want

--<<-----------------------------------------------------------------BLIPS POSITION---------------------------------------------------------------------->>--
-- (FR) Endroit ou le joueur pose la laine et ou il reçoit la récompense
-- (EN) Place where the player put down wool and receives the reward

Config.MoutonLaine = {
    {x = 1416.455078125, y = 274.143310546875, z = 89.4742431640625},
--[[{x = 1416.455078125, y = 274.143310546875, z = 89.4742431640625},]] -- (FR) Ajoutez en autant que vous souhaitez | (EN) Add as many as you want

-- (FR) Activer ou non l'aparition de markers rouge sur les lieux d'actions Config.PeauMarker = PeauBlip
-- (EN) Activate or not the appearance of red markers on the places of actions Config.PeauMarker = PeauBlip

Config.MoutonMarker = true -- false

--<<--------------------------------------------------------------------BLIPS MAP------------------------------------------------------------------------>>--
-- (FR) Configurer si vous souhaitez voir sur le map le blips, son nom, son sprite et sa couleur
-- (EN) Configure if you want to see on the map the blips, its name, its sprite and its color 

                                              -- (FR) Le blips pour la récompense | (EN) Blips for reward --
Config.PeauBlip = true -- false
Config.Peauname = "Laine"
Config.Peausprite = "blip_animal_skin" -- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/textures/blips/README.md
Config.Peaucolor = "BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_4" -- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/blip_modifiers/README.md

                                                    -- (FR) Les blips des moutons | (EN) Blips for sheeps --
Config.SheepBlip = true -- false
Config.Sheepname = "Mouton"
Config.Sheepsprite = "blip_mp_predator_hunt_mask" -- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/textures/blips/README.md
Config.Sheepcolor = "BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_4" -- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/blip_modifiers/README.md

-- (FR) Configurez ici les labels des prompts, leurs textes, et leurs touches associées
-- (EN) Configure here the labels of the prompts, their texts, and their associated keys

                                                              -- (FR) Label | (EN) Label --

Config.MoutonText2 = "Mouton" -- (FR) Label pour effectuer la tonte | (EN) Label for shear
Config.MoutonText1 = "Laine" -- (FR) Label prendre et poser la laine | (EN) Label take and put down wool

                                                               -- (FR) Texte | (EN) Text --

Config.MoutonLabel2 = "Tondre" -- (FR) Texte pour effectuer la tonte | (EN) Text for shear
Config.MoutonLabel1 = "Poser" -- (FR) Label poser la laine | (EN) Label put down wool

                                                              -- (FR) Touches | (EN) Keys --

-- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/Controls
Config.MoutonKey1 = 0x27D1C284 -- (FR) Touche pour effectuer une action : poser la laine [R] | (EN) Key to perform an action : put down wool [R]
Config.MoutonKey2 = 0x27D1C284 -- (FR) Touche pour effectuer une action : tondre [R] | (EN) Key to perform an action : shear [R]

-- (FR) Configurez ici le texte et textures de vos notifications
-- (EN) Configure the text and textures of your notifications here

                                                              -- (FR) Titre | (EN) Title --

Config.Titre = {
    FermeMouton = "Tonte de Mouton", -- (FR) Titre de la notification | (EN) Title of the notification

                                                              -- (FR) Texte | (EN) Text --

Config.Texts = {
  FermeMouton2 = "~h~~e~Vous n'avez pas le métier requis !", -- (FR) Pas le job requis pour l'action | (EN) Not the job required for the action
  FermeMouton4 = "Vous avez obtenu : ~o~~h~", -- (FR) Texte 1 de récompense | (EN) Reward Text 1
  FermeMouton5 = " pelotes de laine", -- (FR) Texte 2 de récompense | (EN) Reward Text 2
  FermeMouton3 = "~h~~e~Le mouton a été tondu il y a peu de temps !", -- (FR) Impossible d'effectuer la traite à cause du cooldown | (EN) Unable to perform milking due to cooldown
  FermeMouton1 = "~h~~e~Vous n'avez pas de ciseaux !", -- (FR) Pas l'objet requis pour l'action | (EN) Not the item required for the action

                                                           -- (FR) Textures | (EN) Textures --

-- https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/textures                                                           
Config.Textures = {
  FermeMouton2 = {"satchel_textures", "provision_sheep_wool"}, -- (FR) Toutes les notifications | (EN) All notifications
  FermeMouton1 = {"menu_textures", "cross"}, -- (FR) Pas le job requis pour l'action | (EN) Not the job required for the action

                                                               -- (FR) Temps | (EN) Time --

Config.Temps = {
    FermeMouton = 4000, -- (FR) Temps d'affichage de la notification | (EN) Time of the notification


Tebex Purchase
Lock https://redm-script-fr.tebex.io/package/5744967
Open https://redm-script-fr.tebex.io/package/5835529


Code is accessible Lock & Open Source available
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 953
Requirements Progressbar
Support Yes

Great script. Suggest adjusting the animation. When i went to shear a sheep, the sheep was not in the characters arms. Like it needed to be moved closer to the character.

Hi there ! I will check that 'cause I didn’t have this effect during my final tests, for me the sheep was always in character arms

what is the progress bar needed for vorp ?

Do you have a picture or video of your problem ? 'Cause I’d worked on it and everything is fine for me…

The progressbar is simply decorative, you can even remove it from the script if it doesn’t suit you. Otherwise you have the following resource of VORP : GitHub - VORPCORE/vorp_progressbar: Progress bar plugin

That is the error with the progressbar

Hi, if your framework is vorp then did you ensure vorp_progressbar ?

Yes of course i ensure vorp_progressbar

I don’t use vorp, but I’ll check when I can :wink:. Your error tells that you have a nil value, what did you write for Config.progressbar ? And don’t worry progressbar is purely decorative you can comment ligne 19 and 20 and your problem will be temporaly solved while I search a solution.

Fix for VORP progressbar and no more spamming in the console when your script is not up to date !

New update:

  • Fix RSG notifications
  • Script optimization