[PAID] [RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR] RicX Train Robbery

RedM Script - RicX Train Robbery Missions - RedEM:RP & QBR & VORP Script

The RedM RicX Train Robbery script creates a criminal activity option for players. Once the mission is selected by the script, players can find the Shotcaller NPC to follow and start the mission. Sometimes bandits must be cleared before train could come, and the train have guards as well, so it requires to not go alone in most of the cases. If more players are close around the mission owner player before starting the mission, then they will be “Helpers” and can loot the train too. The script creates a train once the starting destination is reached by the Shotcaller NPC (or if the bandits were killed). The train will despawn and mission will end once the train reaches the end destination of mission.

1. Features

  • Random train robbery missions. Change the parameters easily to create unique experience
  • Add new missions for the random mission selection easily
  • Helpers can loot as well

2. Dependecies
2.1 RedEM:RP

2.2 VORP
vorp core

2.3 QBR
qbr core

3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_train_robbery into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_train_robbery” after the dependencies
  4. Edit the config (framework change)
  5. Restart the server

4. Locked Files:
server.lua, client.lua and fw_func.lua are locked in the resource BY CFX ESCROW
config.lua and events.lua are opened files


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements redemrp\qbr \vorp
Support Yes

RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: RicX Scripts Tebex
Free RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: Github

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