[PAID][RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR] RicX Pelt Trader

RedM Script - RicX Pelt Trader - RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR Script

RicX Pelt Trader is a script to handle pelt entities in RedM (works with RedEM:RP, QBR and VORP framework). Players can store and sell pelts after they skin an animal. While holding the pelt in hand, players can store the pelt as an inventory item, and later spawn it back. Configure different shops for pelts, where players can sell their inventory pelt items or the carried pelt entity. Players can use the pelt items from inventory and that way they can take it out and hold the pelt entity.

1. Features

  • 130+ pelt configured
  • Pelt shop for pelts
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Low CPU usage

2. Dependecies
redemrp + redemrp inventory 2.0
or QBR or VORP

3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_pelt_trader into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_pelt_trader” after dependecies
  4. Configure the config file if needed
  5. Add the items to inventory system
  6. Restart the server


Tebex : https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5160993

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) 400+
Requirements redemrp/qbr/vorp
Support Yes

Maps: Mexico Chuparosa Maps
RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: RicX Scripts Tebex
Free RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: Github

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