[PAID] [RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR] RicX Collectibles

RedM Script - RicX Collectibles - RedEM:RP & VORP & QBR Script

This RedM script will give the opportunity to server owners to create random collectible item loots anywhere in the game world. Any kind of prop can be defined as a collectible item with different coords to spawn. The spawn rate is random for each item, can be configured in the collectible type array easily.

Different kind of collectibles are added by default:

  • Orchids (15 different orchids)
  • Ores (15 different ores)
  • Treasures (13 different ones)
  • Valuable items (24 different ones)
  • Animal Scats ( 12 different ones)
  • Cans ( 38 different ones)

More than 200 different coordinates are added for the collectibles, but can be expanded easily with new loot positions.

Collectible Shop

Players can sell these items in the Collectible shop, if they have the required job (if its configured)

1. Features

  • Lot of new items and smooth working loot system
  • Easy to configure or adding new entries for coords or collectibles
  • Collector shop for all the default items configred

2. Dependecies

2.1 RedEM:RP

redemrp + redemrp inventory 2.0

2.2 VORP


2.3 QBR


3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_collectibles into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_collectibles” after dependecies
  4. Configure the config file if needed
  5. Add the items to inventory system
  6. Restart the server

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tfkDRIjIFA

Tebex: https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5199206

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements redemrp/qbr/vorp
Support Yes

Maps: Mexico Chuparosa Maps
RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: RicX Scripts Tebex
Free RedM Scripts [QBR & VORP & REDEMRP]: Github

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