Module_bank, this is a very advanced and professional script on redem:roleplay or vorp that implements a new financial system on your server.
What does the script suggest?
- The admin can create an infinite number of banks for 0.00ms
- A config file, allows to choose the taxes of a bank, the taxes of a city, but also the name in database, and the PR name of a bank!
- All Translates Config ready
- The menu of the banks is realized with the last technologies with the framework bootstrap 5 and jquery! (NUI)
- Add Gold bars/Withdraw Golds, important fixs, news icons, news small fix css and new column SQL for golds
- Players can create 1 account per bank!
- Taxes are applied IRL, even if the player is offline, the server will take the taxes on a specific day of the week of your choice, and a specific time!
- Ex: play Luca offline, the server takes 10$ tax to all players of the server, even if the player is offline !
- The script is monstrously optimized, not used it will run at 0.00ms!
- Each account is totally independent from any other account.
- No Glitch Possible (Server Verifications and Database and Account Frameworks Money)
- Values with , is not possible only numbers 1 - 999999
- It is therefore possible to define an infinite number of banks on the map without destroying your performance.
- Blips, Name, Languages, City Tax, Bank Tax, IRL Tax Time, IRL Tax Day configurable!
- Integrated standalone notification system, no need for dependencies.
- Taxes are automated, no need to activate them manually.
- A SQL table totally independent of the frameworks allows you to manage your bank accounts, in order to obtain a withdrawal, deposit in real time!
- NUI interfaces change depending on the bank (name, taxes).
- Discord Notifications and Notification Discord Alert for big amounts (logs).
- New options coming soon for manage taxs and more…
Tebex Store : BUY (VORP VERSION)