[PAID] [RedEM:RP] RicX Makeup

RedM Script - RicX Makeup - RedEM:RP Script
**The client.lua, server.lua files and logic files are locked by CFX Escrow System **

RedM Makeup gives several options to handle overlays for characters. Players can change different options about their Makeup, like eyeliners, shadows, lipstick and other elements. There is an option to Reset to Default all Makeup option to create something new again. The created Makeup can be released in the Artists’ Shop, and the creator can earn money if other players apply the released makeup. Just add a name and a price and its ready to release and use by others. The creator can apply his own made makeups anytime in the Artists’ Shop

1. Features

  • Easy to edit and use
  • Creator Business

2. Dependencies
redemrp_skin default

3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_makeup into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_makeup” after dependencies
  4. Import the SQL
  5. Follow the instructions to make redemrp_skin compatible with ricx_makeup
  6. Change the configs if required
  7. Start the server

4. Locked Files:
server.lua, fw_func.lua and client.lua are locked in the resource BY CFX ESCROW
config.lua, sv_events.lua and events.lua are opened files

Tebex: https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5431704

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500+
Requirements RedEM:RP
Support Yes