[PAID] 🏎️ Racing System

Introducing the Nexure Racing System, the ultimate racing script for FiveM servers! Packed with powerful features, intuitive customization, and a sleek user interface, this script takes street and circuit racing to a whole new level. Whether you’re organizing competitive events or hosting casual races, the Nexure Racing System has you covered.

:star2: Key Features

  • Pace Note System: Enhance navigation with turn-by-turn guidance! Easily create and customize pace notes for your tracks, perfect for rally-style events or complex circuits.
  • Three Unique In-Race UIs: Choose the UI style that fits your server’s needs:
    • Simple: Minimal and lightweight for a clean racing experience.
    • Casual: Balanced design with just the right amount of information.
    • Advanced: Fully-featured UI with detailed data for competitive racing.
  • Scheduled Race Generation: Automate your racing events with flexible scheduling options to keep the action nonstop.
  • Customizable Player Profiles: Allow players to personalize their profiles and display stats, adding depth to your racing community.
  • Advanced MMR System: Keep races competitive with a robust matchmaking and ranking system that ensures fair and exciting challenges.
  • 3D Waypoint System: Visualize track routes in stunning 3D to guide racers with precision and clarity.

:movie_camera: Check out the showcase video here

📸 Screenshots

:open_book: Documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and master the Nexure Racing System with our comprehensive docs:
:link: https://docs.nexure.dev

:shopping_cart: Purchase & Pricing

Celebrate the launch of the Nexure Racing System with an exclusive 15% discount! :tada:
Grab the Nexure Racing System today:

:busts_in_silhouette: Join the Community

Got questions or need support? Join our growing community on Discord:
:link: Nexure

:white_check_mark: Supported Frameworks

  • QBOX
  • QB
  • ESX
  • OX
  • ND
  • Standalone

We’ll also do our best to provide support for frameworks not mentioned above.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 8500
Requirements ox_lib, oxmysql
Support Yes

Without the doubt the best racing system out here! Goodbye rahe :slight_smile:


hands down best racing script to exist :heart_eyes:


this might be the BEST Racing script oat


I can see why the resmon is high. There’s alot to the resource than just open-world racing with elo and flashy Ui.

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No need to continue advertising somebody’s script under here tho boss


That wasn’t my intentions.

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Our players are lost when they don’t see a blip on the map and when they arrive at a place and there is nothing there, it would require a blip on the map and a countdown to the start of the race.

There is a countdown at the start… It only appears a minute before the race.

Yea i know, but thats kinda late to find it, it should be here whole time since its been created

Whats the difference between start race and the competitive race start button? Also it says admin only is there a way in the config to change it to everyone can use it.

I have been using the Nexure Racing System for quite some time now, and I can confidently say that this is the best racing script I’ve ever used. First, customizable pace notes; secondly, an advanced MMR system; the list of features goes on and on, which is incredible. I personally think that the UI options are a very nice addition because of the mix between simplicity and detail it gives; that’s all I need for the race.

The performance side-the script is very optimized, and this in return would be very useful in keeping the server stable, even during major events. Some things are sure to require an improvement; however these would be minor versus the general greatness of that script.

Of all the racing scripts that FiveM marketplace has got to offer, this particular one is my go-to. It’s well worth the money, and I’d be happy to recommend it to those looking to add racing to their server.

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There should be a dnf system too, or a way to leave the race if players want.

Have you never faced a camera issues when cars overlap each when ghosting . I’m facing this a lot

Sometimes, but most of the time no. But after todays update looks like it’s fixed.

That’s what even I thought . But the camera zooming in hasn’t changed . It’s the most annoying thing of all. As you said it’s flawless earlier to your updated where it happens a little to rear I don’t believe it . It has to do with something . His replies comes way too late . Hanging on this is wasting time even though it’s looks impressive the disappoint can’t be ignored

This is already a thing. You can leave a race through the tablet using the big red button in the top left. Player’s should automatically be dnf’ed when they leave the server or the race or if they take too long, a 5min timer starts when the first player finishes after which everyone who’s still driving gets dnf’ed.

Anyone has a video of this script in action?

There is preview video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1ysDYMjOP4

Not talking bout a short preview video…