[PAID] Queue System

Jones Queue System

A queue system to allow players to wait in a queue to join your full server. Just place the script in and setup the config and away you go. It can be whitelisted to discord, disable steam and have reserved slots. Please reach out to me on discord for any questions.

Skip_Player discordid - Skips the player in the queue
Skip_Queue queueid - Skips the queue
Remove_Player discordid - Removes the player from the queue
Set_Slots number - Sets the number of slots the server can hold
Print_Queue - Prints the queue
Print_Defferals - Prints the defferals
Print_Players - Prints the players
Set_Whitelit true/false - Sets the server to whitelist mode


--Server Name
config.serverName = "Server Name"

--Whitelist Message
config.whitelistMessage = "Thanks for joining. Sorry to be a bother but our server is currently discord whitelist. Basically all you need to do is join the discord and you can play. We have made it super simple. All you need to do is click the button below, join and click the Verify button in the verify channel."

--Queue Banner
config.serverBanner = "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1052906857531981836/1137278369659097088/youtube_banner-small.png"

--Donate Link
config.donateLink = "https://jones-store.tebex.io/"

—Discord Link
config.discordLink = “changeme”

--Queue message
config.queueMessage = "Thank you for choosing our server."

--Disable steam
config.disableSteam = false

--Player slots (Including reserved slots)
config.serverSlots = 0

--Reserver slots
config.reservedSlots = 10

--Enable Connection Commands
config.connectionCommands = true

config.serverWhitelist = true

--Rank Priority
config.priority = {
	["owner"] = {
		id = "11223344556677889900",
		power = 0, -- 0 = Instant connect. Then lower the number starting from 1 will be first priority.
		reserved = true,
	["user"] = {
		id = "11223344556677889900",
		power = 1,
		reserved = false,


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000~
Requirements jones_util, oxmysql
Support Yes