[PAID] [QBCORE] Realistic Cuffs / Zipties

Realistic Handcuff script ( synced with qb-policejob )

  • 5 new items
  • new animations
  • cuffs/ziptie showing in game
  • option to lock each item to a job
  • option to choose if a item does a hardcuff / softcuff
  • minigame for breaking cuffs / boltcutter
  • Boltuctter to break friends out of cuffs

Purchase link : https://nx-development.tebex.io/category/2040680
Preview : nx-handcuff system - Clipped with Medal.tv
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 800 |
| Requirements | QBCore |
| Support | Yes |

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version standalone included ? or not

No, it works together with the base code from qb-core within qb-policejob , so its a QB-Core Only script

can you make a esx version plz?

Sadly enough for this script there will not be a ESX-Version i’m sorry

how about if i pay extra?

Money is not the issue :smiley:
I’m a qb-core developer and
The script was made to work perfectly together with qb-policejob.

I have 0 knowledge of how esx works , so even if i tried to educate myself on esx and make it work, for a script of this size i would not be able to make it the quality that i require my scripts to be.

Trying to purchase but your store is empty…

Yes it is , due to some changes in my life i no longer have time to code / update scripts , and i don’t want to sell scripts if i can’t update / offer support for them

That’s unfortunate… we would LOVE this to be honest!

Reach out to me on discord and ill see if i can still help you if you want it that badly

Great! How can I reach you?

Would it be possible to make this script open source if you are no longer able to maintain it?

Hello there,
I will not be releasing anything opensource.
However i’m in the process of starting up a company and we will rework / update all the previouse sold scripts :slight_smile:

When is this going to happen though? Can you give a time frame because we need support on something we purchased? You literally said “Yes it is , due to some changes in my life i no longer have time to code / update scripts , and i don’t want to sell scripts if i can’t update / offer support for them”. You don’t want to sell scripts but you have unsupported scripts that you already sold. If you can provide support then we wouldn’t be in this situation. If you think starting a company is gonna make this easier for you, you have a rude awakening.

To answer your first question : I can’t say as there’s a lot off stuff i need to take care of and update before the shop can open up again.

To answer your second statement : Yes indeed , i did notify you all that i was shutting down my store as i was to overworked from my actual job. But i decided to quit my day to day job and start a development business which is why i am able to continue to make scripts. However starting up a business takes some time and paperwork and i want to rework / rewrite the current scripts to give even a better experience then before.

Regarding you stating you need supports : My discord has continuously provided support to customers even after the announcement that we would close shop. We had about 20 @pings stating we would close down the discord and if people still needed support that now was the time. Before i eventually closed down the discord i gave another 2 pings with the link to the new discord where people have received customer support when they opened a ticket if you haven’t received any support then maybe join the discord so we are actually able to help you : CodeLabs Development

Kind regards

When will i be able to buy this again ?>???