[PAID][QBCore] mk-AdminJail


Description: An AdminJail script designed for QBCore, only admin can send players to jail.
The jail itself located near the regular jail.
When a player is send to the adminjail it shows him how much time left for his release, players CAN NOT escape the jail on foot or even noclipping from there, players CAN NOT attack each other in the adminjail due to the godmode they have been given in jail, when the time of release as come to an end the godmode will turn off and the player will be send back to the last location he was send from.

a video to see how the script is running:


qb-core (optinal)
qb-menu (optinal)

You could always contact me via my email:

To purchase the script:

My discord server:

(The name of the script is mk-adminjail, same as the topic)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1010
Requirements qb-menu, qb-core(optinal)
Support Yes


:white_check_mark: Added new command “/unadminjail” which un jails the player
:white_check_mark: Added new system
:white_check_mark: Added json file for data gathering, and is changeable
:white_check_mark: Added when player signs out of the game and still in adminjail, when he comes back he will ‎‎
‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ automatically sends him back to the adminjail.
:white_check_mark: Fixed bugs
:white_check_mark: Added reason option, when you send someone you can write the reason and it will
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ be written for him in the adminjail
:white_check_mark: Added colors to the time left and the reason (makes it look more smoother)
:white_check_mark: Added menu of all players in adminjail
:white_check_mark: Added options to players in the menu, which you can change disable/ enable
them in config.lua
:x: SQL file was removed for not being in use

On 15.01.24 this script will cost money so hurry up!!!

Thanks guys and have a good day!


whats qbus?

framework, you can also can it qb-core or even QB

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Free releases tech require a direct download. a texbex link can not be the online link.

the correct name is qbcore, not qbus. If you’re going to release resources for a framework, at least use the correct name in the title.


Nice to see people using the correct title for this framework :wink:

QBus is QBCore, that’s the same thing

havent for esx?

what if player left and rejoin ?

Hey, I haven’t thought about that, don’t worry I’ll keep you updated

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Sorry, no. It is only for QB (maybe I’ll do it in another update)


Correct title being the name of a Dutch RP server? Right…

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Yeah both

Changed it :+1:

Isn’t it the same as this?

No, all you do in this jail is jobs and staff, in my jail you give people time to think about what they have done.
In my jail it’s an actual nightmare, do nothing for a cople of hours.
Well to sum up the jail that you send is about doing staff to get free, and in my jail it is about waiting until you get released.

tried using this and its not working no errors or anything it just not doing anything

Check if you use the same admin system permissions as in this resource