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Purchase via Tebex
- Simple fishing script with 21 species of fish to catch
- Boat rental
- Anchor for players that want to use boats out at sea
- Chance to find treasure chest that gives rare items
- Extensive config file
- Fully open source
Supported Scripts
- qb-core Notify
- okokNotify
- mythic_notify
- boii_ui notify
- ox_lib
- ox_lib
- qb-target
- ox_target
- qb-inventory
- ox_inventory
Config Preview
Config = {}
-- Thank you for downloading this script!
-- Below you can change multiple options to suit your server needs.
Config.CoreSettings = {
EventNames = {
Keys = 'vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner' -- name of giving keys event
Target = {
Type = 'qb', -- support for qb-target and ox_target
--use 'qb' for qb-target
--use 'ox' for ox_target
Notify = {
Type = 'qb', -- notification type, support for qb-core notify, okokNotify, mythic_notify, boii_ui notify and ox_lib notify
--use 'qb' for qb-core notify
--use 'okok' for okokNotify
--use 'mythic' for mythic_notify
--use 'boii' for boii_ui notify
--use 'ox' for ox_lib notify
Inventory = {
Type = 'qb' -- support for qb-inventory and ox_inventory
--use 'qb' for qb-inventory
--use 'ox' for ox_inventory
Timers = {
Cast = 5000, -- time to cast bait
BiteTime = math.random(10000,20000), -- time to get a bite
OpenTreasureChest = 10000, -- time to open chest
RaiseAnchor = 5000,
LowerAnchor = 5000,
-- XP settings
Config.XP = { -- use xp
Enabled = false, -- Toggles xp system on or off; true = on, false = off
Command = false, -- Toggles commands on or off use /drugxp or whatever you have named the metadata
MetaDataName = 'fishingxp', -- The name of your xp if you edit this make sure to also edit the line you added into qb-core/server/player.lua
XPReward = math.random(5,10), -- if using xp how much does the player gain when doing actions?
Levels = { -- Change your xp requirements here to suit your server set these as high as you want preset xp increase = (xp / 0.8) if changing amounts dont forget to edit server file also where raw_mushroom is given to match new xp amounts
150, -- level 2
250, -- level 3
500, -- level 4
750, -- level 5
1000, -- level 6
1250, -- level 6
1500, -- level 7
1750, -- level 8
2200, -- level 9
2500, -- level 10
Config.PedLocations = {
{name = 'TackleShopPed', coords = vector4(-1820.17, -1220.36, 13.02, 31.64), model = 'a_m_y_beach_02', useped = true, icon = 'fa-solid fa-fish', label = 'Open Tackle Shop', event = 'lusty94_fishing:client:TackleShopMenu', distance = 1.5, useblip = true, colour = 5, id = 317, scale = 0.8, title = 'Tackle Shop', },
{name = 'FishMarketPed', coords = vector4(-1037.69, -1396.93, 5.55, 76.05), model = 'a_f_y_business_03', useped = true, icon = 'fa-solid fa-money-bill', label = 'Open Fish Market', event = 'lusty94_fishing:client:SellItemsMainMenu', distance = 1.5, useblip = true, colour = 5, id = 628, scale = 0.8, title = 'Fish Market', },
{name = 'BoatRentalPed', coords = vector4(-1801.04, -1228.33, 1.67, 229.5), model = 'a_m_m_salton_03', useped = true, icon = 'fa-solid fa-ship', label = 'Rent Fishing Boat', event = 'lusty94_fishing:client:BoatRentalMenu', distance = 1.5, useblip = true, colour = 5, id = 404, scale = 0.8, title = 'Fishing Boat Rental',},
Config.BoatSettings = {
Name = 'dinghy', -- spawn name of boat
Price = 100, -- price to rent boat
SpawnLocation = vector4(-1798.36, -1234.29, -0.47, 316.81), -- spawn location of boat
PlayerReturnLocation = vector3(-1802.04, -1227.52, 1.66), -- teleport location for player when returning boat
Config.Items = {
CashSymbol = 'Β£', -- cash syumbol used
Buying = {
Rod = 10, -- cost of rod
Bait = 2, -- cost of bait
BaitReceived = 5, -- amount of bait in pack
Anchor = 20, -- cost of anchor
BoatRental = 100, -- cost of boat rental
Selling = { -- adjust sale prices below for EACH item, - warning selling removes ALL of that item so dont set too high
Common = {
Shad = 1,
GizzardShad = 1,
SmallMouthBass = 2,
LargeMouthBass = 2,
BlueGill = 3,
SpottedSunfish = 3,
BlackCrappie = 4,
StripedBass = 4,
RainbowTrout = 6,
BrownTrout = 6,
ChainPickerel = 6,
RedFinPickerel = 6,
Rare = {
BlueCatfish = 5,
FlatHeadCatfish = 5,
ChannelCatfish = 5,
YellowBullhead = 6,
Bowfin = 8,
LongNoseGar = 8,
Walleye = 9,
SuperRare = {
Sturgeon = 10,
BullShark = 15,
GreatWhiteShark = 20,
Config.Animations = {
Fishing = {
AnimDict = 'amb@world_human_stand_fishing@idle_a',
Anim = 'idle_c',
Flags = 11,
Prop = 'prop_fishing_rod_01',
OpenTreasureChest = {
Prop = 'tr_prop_tr_chest_01a',
AnimDict = 'amb@medic@standing@kneel@enter',
Anim = 'enter',
Flags = 11,
Config.Language = {
ProgressBar = {
CastBait = 'Casting bait..',
OpenTreasureChest = 'Opening chest..',
RaiseAnchor = 'Raising anchor..',
LowerAnchor = 'Lowering anchor..',
Notifications = {
Busy = 'You are already doing something!',
Cancelled = 'Action cancelled!',
Failed = 'Action failed!',
CantCarry = 'You cant carry anymore!',
MissingItems = 'You are missing items!',
Error = 'You cant use your fishing rod whilst driving a vehicle!',
BaitCast = 'Bait cast, now wait for a bite',
FishBite = 'You have a bite!',
LineSnapped = 'Your line was snapped!',
NotDeepEnough = 'This water is not deep enough to fish in!',
MissingKey = 'You need a key to open this chest!',
AnchorError = 'Anchors only work on boats...',
AnchorRaised = 'Anchor has been raised!',
AnchorLowered = 'Anchor has been lowered!',
BoatError = 'You must return your boat before spawning another.',
RentedError = 'You cant return a boat you havent rented?',
NoCash = 'You dont have enough cash to do that!',
SnappedKey = 'You snapped the key!',
SmallFish = 'The fish was under the legal landing size!',
EarnedXP = 'You earned some XP!',
NothingToSell = 'You dont have anything to sell!',
Check Out My Other Scripts Below
Job Scripts
Activities Scripts
- Bin Searching / Recycling
- Fishing Activity
- Metal Detecting Activity
- Farming Activity
- Scuba Diving
- Moonshine
- Hunting
Drug Scripts
Script Bundles
Free Scripts
Code is accessible | Yes / open source |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1500 + |
Requirements | qb-core, qb-target, qb-inventory, ox_lib |
Support | Yes |