Hello dear community. Today i wanna show you my first paid script release.

:eye_in_speech_bubble: - U need to destroy road blocks from Paleto / Sandy roads. U can add how much coordinates u want.
(synced with all players)

  • This script is Highly configurable, standalone & dynamic
  • 24/7 support on our Discord server / private message on CFX.re Community Forum.
  • U can integrate any rarity items & vip membership income system

:star2: - Job system + Job garage system

:man_mechanic: - Highly optimized to make sure everything works at huge players count. (tested without problems at 230+ online)

:green_circle: - 0.0 resmon IDLE / 0.02 resmon around ROAD BLOCK and duty ON due to DrawText.

:warning: - Highly server side secured with more than 6 security checks
(distance, cooldown, timer, client → server, server → client checks) to avoid script manipulation by client.

  • Click here to see the video: https://youtu.be/Cq3r0_f-a1c

  • Job vehicle (we can modify everything for you via support ticket on our discord)

  • Can be used with / without NPC Interact script (I will release soon my NPC Interaction script [not script from the video])

  • This script can be used in multilanguage system / translated to other languages (currently EN).

  • U can add / remove special objects

  • U can modify the salary or using my random var who randomise the money. ( can be used with / without - money as item - function.

  • U can adjust the respawn time of road blocks.

  • U can edit the spawned objects.

  • U can modify everything from config file.

  • Every road block have a “health base”. U need to drill the block to destroy it.

  • Every road block have collisions so u cant avoid them.

  • The script was made for a roleplay community.

  • Easy configurable

  • Optimized interface & minimalistic

  • OX_Inventory (if u want)
  • Ox_Lib (if u want for notifications)
  • Interact NPC for getting the job (U can disable this feature or u can wait for my Interact NPC Release [not NPC Interact from the video])

  • Having problems installing the script ? I can offer u FREE 24/7 support.

  • Script include: Everything to work fine.
    Custom blip script with PSD, job UI + client/server/config files.

  • Open source price: 1$ = UPDATE SOON

  • Monthly subscription to all our scripts: 20$ (soon)

  • If u want more informations u can contact me via PRIVATE MESSAGE on the CFX.re forum


  • We love working with people so, every update and script modification is totally FREE.
  • We are planning to update this script much as possible (upgrading the UI / Notifications / Interact buttons and more)

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night !


We changed the asset from encrypted to open source due to @mkcx suggestion.

The full price of the script: 10$ open source.

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Changed the price to “pay how much u want” > 1,00$ for 24h

purchased and the script was not delivered via keymaster, was just a direct download and the script is encrypted

Says the Script is Highly Config but everything is encrypted… even the config folder :angry: and no car this a direct link sent.

Bought the package, direct download link and not a keymaster download with only escrowed stuff even config. :angry:

send me a message with the TEBEX Code please.

send me a message with the TEBEX Code please. i need to check

we had a mistake on our shop, send me your tebex code

Download link fixed & asset updated. Now everything its fine. If you have any problems with the script, send me a message.

not sure where to find my tebex code

I don’t see any link for where to buy this script, where is it for sale?

There will be a new rework of the script and in the future, will be for download (pay how much u want)

We are currently working for a new release of this product, stay tunned.

All our customers who bought the old one, will get the newest version for FREE

is there a link for purchase?

coming soon, stay tunned

Shop down, please restore your shop

You can find it soon here: https://zerolag-scripts.tebex.io/

is it coming back?