[PAID] [QBCore Based] Infinity Multijob

Update: Now server owners can set maximum jobs that player can have

This resource is encrypted with FiveM escrow

After purchase you can access the script at https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants

You can buy it on Tebex – Just 10 euro

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Fully customizable resource using QBCore based framework

2 languages - English and Bulgarian

Choice from rgb and static colour background

Choice from use everywhere or only location


Duty system

Automaticaly adds and removes jobs (edited qb-bossmenu included)

/removejob command for admins

Blacklisted jobs

Discord WebHook - Server Sided

Unique UI


QBCore based framework (you can change to your core from config.lua like qb-, IF- or the way your core is named) - IT HAVE TO BE A QBCore BASED OR SMILLAR

Any notification resource (you can edit it from config) - i personaly use okok

Any draw text ui script (you can edit it from config) - i personaly use okok - (only if you are gonna use location)

OxMysql or MySqlAsync - probably and others will work – fxmanifest.lua

The Config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "bg" -- select from en/bg -- you can find them in lang.lua and if you want translate them

Config.Keybind = "F4" --Keybind used to open the menu (Players can change it in settingss)

Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- your core prefix

Config.Duty = "QBCore:ToggleDuty" -- your duty event

Config.JobUpdate = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate' -- your on job update event 

Config.SetDuty = "QBCore:Client:SetDuty" -- your set duty event 

Config.UseKey = true -- If true the menu can be used anywhere -- If false the menu can be used only at location

Config.Mark = 21 -- drawMarker type -- see all at - https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/

Config.MaxJobs = 4 -- How many jobs player can have?

Config.log = "yes" -- If yes a namecheck with add will be displayed at every restart in server console

Config.Coords =  vector4(-266.87, -960.06, 31.22, 31.12) -- Location if Config.UseKey = false to open menu at

Config.MarkerColor =  {r = 57, g = 125, b = 199, a = 0.9} -- Marker colours

Config.Dist1 = 2.0 -- press key

Config.Dist2 = 2.0 -- showing marker

Config.DrawUiText = "Press [F4] to open menu"

function ShowNotification(msg, type)
    --local IFCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject() -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script
    --IFCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type) -- -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script
    exports['okokNotify']:Alert("MultiJob", msg, 5000, type) 
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

function ShowNotificationServer(source, msg, type)
   TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, "MultiJob", msg, 5000, type)
-- TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, msg, type)
-- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can't be export)

function DrawUI(text)
    exports['okokTextUI']:Open(text, 'darkblue', 'left')
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

function CloseUI()
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

Config.Icons = { --Icons for jobs in the menu. Use job name(Case sensitive). Can use FontAwsome or Bootstrap Icons (You can edit these and add new)
    ['police'] = 'bi bi-shield-shaded',
    ['ambulance'] = 'fas fa-ambulance',
    ['tow'] = 'bi bi-truck-flatbed',
    ['taxi'] = 'fas fa-taxi',
    ['lawyer'] = 'bi bi-briefcase',
    ['judge'] = 'fas fa-gavel',
    ['realestate'] = 'bi bi-house',
    ['cardealer'] = 'fas fa-car',
    ['mechanic'] = 'bi bi-tools',
    ['reporter'] = 'bi bi-newspaper',
    ['trucker'] = 'fas fa-truck-moving',
    ['garbage'] = 'fas fa-recycle',

Config.DefaultIcon = "fas fa-briefcase" -- The default icon shown if the job isn't listed above ^^^

Config.BlackListedJobs = { --jobs that will not be automatically added to the multijob menu



    `cid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    `job` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    `grade` int(11) NOT NULL


CREATE TABLE `player_jobs_num` (
  `cid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `jobs` varchar(100) NOT NULL

Code is accessible Depends on version
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements QbCore based framework, Notify script, DrawUi script (TextUI), oxmysql or alternative
Support Yes in Discord
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Look like core jobs


Its inspired by others also core_multijob dont have qbcore version and the ui is different

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This is Sam Shanks multijob…


As i say its inspired by others
This one is qbcore and have locations, webhooks and more advanced ui
And everything is configurable
by your logic, almost all resources belong to someone else :slight_smile:


All you done was add a gradient KEKW

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You can think whatever you want but that is not anyones others works
Its all maked by me and my friends
And by yours logic i copied core multijob not sam’s because of the locations
And both of them dont have webhook and i think both of them are encrypted

So then tell me why the UI is exactly the same as Sam shanks multijob… coincidence?

Please see the Sam UI again and mine again its not the same… And see the comments of Sam :confused:

so basically that’s core multi job for qbcore with added webhooks and edited css

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No its written from 0 but its inspired from it
For that logic okok crafting and core crafting are the same

inspired :eyes:

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Could have at least changed your config so the notes on icons and other parts aren’t identical looool



Its not at all yours Also see the comment at your post :slight_smile:
Its not good to come and do that you can clearly see that mine is different and with different and more features
And you can see the date when my account received this also im not your customer and wouldn’t be
I respect your work and wish you best luck
But mine doesn’t connect at all with yours

If anyone wants to buy the actual decent version and not the copy paste with a “gradient”.
Here’s the link: https://forum.cfx.re/t/paid-qbcore-multi-job-system/


You say in the description that it is unique UI however you then say that it is inspired by others, ergo it is not unique then?

the first multijob was from core not from me or Sam…

The FiveM community starts to geting greedy and thats sad…
Everyone wants to make bad to others :cry:

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