[PAID] [QBCore Based] Infinity Multijob by KOKOROG

Update: Now server owners can set maximum jobs that player can have

This resource is encrypted with FiveM escrow

After purchase you can access the script at https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants

You can buy it on Tebex – Just 10 euro

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Fully customizable resource using QBCore based framework

2 languages - English and Bulgarian

Choice from rgb and static colour background

Choice from use everywhere or only location


Duty system

Automaticaly adds and removes jobs (edited qb-bossmenu included)

/removejob command for admins

Blacklisted jobs

Max Jobs that Player can have

Discord WebHook - Server Sided

Unique UI


QBCore based framework (you can change to your core from config.lua like qb-, IF- or the way your core is named) - IT HAVE TO BE A QBCore BASED OR SMILLAR

Any notification resource (you can edit it from config) - i personaly use okok

Any draw text ui script (you can edit it from config) - i personaly use okok - (only if you are gonna use location)

OxMysql or MySqlAsync - probably and others will work – fxmanifest.lua

The Config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "bg" -- select from en/bg -- you can find them in lang.lua and if you want translate them

Config.Keybind = "F4" --Keybind used to open the menu (Players can change it in settingss)

Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- your core prefix

Config.Duty = "QBCore:ToggleDuty" -- your duty event

Config.JobUpdate = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate' -- your on job update event 

Config.SetDuty = "QBCore:Client:SetDuty" -- your set duty event 

Config.UseKey = true -- If true the menu can be used anywhere -- If false the menu can be used only at location

Config.Mark = 21 -- drawMarker type -- see all at - https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/

Config.MaxJobs = 4 -- How many jobs player can have?

Config.log = "yes" -- If yes a namecheck with add will be displayed at every restart in server console

Config.Coords =  vector4(-266.87, -960.06, 31.22, 31.12) -- Location if Config.UseKey = false to open menu at

Config.MarkerColor =  {r = 57, g = 125, b = 199, a = 0.9} -- Marker colours

Config.Dist1 = 2.0 -- press key

Config.Dist2 = 2.0 -- showing marker

Config.DrawUiText = "Press [F4] to open menu"

function ShowNotification(msg, type)
    --local IFCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject() -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script
    --IFCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type) -- -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script
    exports['okokNotify']:Alert("MultiJob", msg, 5000, type) 
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

function ShowNotificationServer(source, msg, type)
   TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, "MultiJob", msg, 5000, type)
-- TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, msg, type)
-- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can't be export)

function DrawUI(text)
    exports['okokTextUI']:Open(text, 'darkblue', 'left')
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

function CloseUI()
    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)

Config.Icons = { --Icons for jobs in the menu. Use job name(Case sensitive). Can use FontAwsome or Bootstrap Icons (You can edit these and add new)
    ['police'] = 'bi bi-shield-shaded',
    ['ambulance'] = 'fas fa-ambulance',
    ['tow'] = 'bi bi-truck-flatbed',
    ['taxi'] = 'fas fa-taxi',
    ['lawyer'] = 'bi bi-briefcase',
    ['judge'] = 'fas fa-gavel',
    ['realestate'] = 'bi bi-house',
    ['cardealer'] = 'fas fa-car',
    ['mechanic'] = 'bi bi-tools',
    ['reporter'] = 'bi bi-newspaper',
    ['trucker'] = 'fas fa-truck-moving',
    ['garbage'] = 'fas fa-recycle',

Config.DefaultIcon = "fas fa-briefcase" -- The default icon shown if the job isn't listed above ^^^

Config.BlackListedJobs = { --jobs that will not be automatically added to the multijob menu



    `cid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    `job` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    `grade` int(11) NOT NULL


CREATE TABLE `player_jobs_num` (
  `cid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `jobs` varchar(100) NOT NULL

| Code is accessible | Depends on version
| Subscription-based | Yes/No
| Lines (approximately) | 4000
| Requirements | QBCore
| Support | Yes

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getting this error when pressing F4 to open the menu, was working fine but now seems stuck on this error

please check that you have player_jobs and player_jobs_num in your sql Also if you deleted job recently please make sure to delete any row with it in player_jobs

I keep getting that same error message also and what you advise has not fixed the issue