+Added support for ox_inventory
+Major quality of life improvements to aid in performance
+Improved menus for events
+Re-written some functions & events to aid in performance
All consumables are now controlled within the script from Config.Consumables.Items - here you can define multiple useable items with requirements and custom props / animations
Completely re-wrote events for trimming, bagging, rolling joints and making edibles - now uses an input amount as an option to allow players to process mulltiple amounts at once
Changed the event for snack shelfs - only employees can access the snack shelfs and prices are set to 0 as per so funds can be sent to society through billing methods for products
Improved all callbacks for better security and item amount checks
Added config.language section for custom translations
Added item images to menus
Improved how items are given and removed for better performance and increased security
General QOL improvements
Changed plasticbong name to plasticbongww to prevent clashes with other scripts
Removed some target zones that were no longer required due to being replaced with props and target options tied to them instead
Removed qb-menu support as ox_lib has more features
Removed support for jim-shops in favour of new qb-inventory shops to reduce potential issues from non updated scripts