Preview Video
Purchase via Tebex
- Create Beers, Ciders, Wines, Spirits, Fizz and Cocktails to Sell to Players
- Support for Any MLO or Building.
- Easily Move All Locations via the Config File.
- Vehicle Rental System to Deliver Products to Players.
- Stash System to Store Drinks.
- Management System for Employees.
- Inbuilt consumables system
- input amounts allows for making multiple items at once
Supported Scripts
- qb-core Notify
- okokNotify
- mythic_notify
- boii_ui notify
- ox_lib notify
- qb-menu
- jixel-menu
- ox_lib context menu
- qb-target
- ox_target
- qb-inventory
- ox_inventory
Config Preview
Config = {}
-- Thank you for downloading this script!
-- Below you can change multiple options to suit your server needs.
Config.DebugPoly = false -- enables red boxes to show polyzone locations
Config.DevMode = false -- cancels duty check for testing - set to false for live server
Config.CoreSettings = {
Job = {
EventNames = {
BossMenu = 'qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu', -- NAME OF BOSS MENU EVENT TO OPEN MANAGEMENT MENU
KeysEvent = 'vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner', -- NAME OF KEYS EVENT
Stress = 'hud:server:RelieveStress', -- name of stress event
StressAmount = math.random(10,20), -- amount of stress relief from drinking moonshine
Target = {
Type = 'qb', -- taregt script name support for qb-target and ox_target
-- use 'qb' for qb-target
-- use 'ox' for ox_target
-- use 'custom' for custom target
Notify = {
Type = 'qb', -- notification type, support for qb-core notify, okokNotify, mythic_notify, boii_ui notify and ox_lib notify
--use 'qb' for default qb-core notify
--use 'okok' for okokNotify
--use 'mythic' for mythic_notify
--use 'boii' for boii_ui notify
--use 'ox' for ox_lib notify
Inventory = { -- support for qb-inventory and ox_inventory
Type = 'qb',
--use 'qb' for qb-inventory
--use 'ox' for ox_inventory
VehicleSettings = {
Model = 'asbo', -- spawn name of vehicle
Label = 'Asbo', -- name of vehicle for menus
SpawnCoords = vector4(137.84, -1276.03, 29.3, 301.0), -- spawn coords of vehicle
Timers = {
WashHands = 5000, -- time to wash hands
PrepareDrinks = 5000, -- time to prepare drinks - this is per item - this is multiplied by the amount the player inputs to process at once
DrinkAlcohol = 5000, -- time to drink
Config.Blips = {
{title = 'Vanilla Unicorn', colour = 5, id = 121, coords = vector3(133.01, -1308.13, 29.03), scale = 0.7, useblip = true}, -- BLIP FOR VANILLA UNICORN
Config.DrinkItems = {
["vubeer"] = math.random(25,35), -- amount of thirst to replenish when drinking
["vuale"] = math.random(25,35),
["vulager"] = math.random(25,35),
["vucider"] = math.random(25,35),
["vustout"] = math.random(25,35),
["glass_whitewine"] = math.random(35,50),
["glass_redwine"] = math.random(35,50),
["glass_pinkrose"] = math.random(35,50),
["glass_prosecco"] = math.random(35,50),
["glass_champagne"] = math.random(35,50),
["gintonic"] = math.random(35,50),
["strawberryvodkalemonade"] = math.random(45,60),
["bananadaiquiri"] = math.random(45,60),
["summerfruitpunch"] = math.random(45,60),
["pineapplemojito"] = math.random(45,60),
["bloodymary"] = math.random(45,60),
["cosmopolitan"] = math.random(45,60),
["pinacolada"] = math.random(45,60),
["sexonthebeach"] = math.random(45,60),
["longislandicedtea"] = math.random(45,60),
Config.InteractionLocations = {
JobAreas = {
{ Name = "vuDuty", Location = vector3(128.54, -1279.3, 29.65), Width = 0.4, Height = 0.4, Heading = 30.0, MinZ = 29.5, MaxZ = 30, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-user-clock', Label = 'Toggle Duty', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.4,0.4,0.5), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:ToggleDuty',},
{ Name = "vuBossMenu", Location = vector3(95.94, -1292.97, 29.1), Width = 0.4, Height = 0.6, Heading = 300.0, MinZ = 29.0, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-user-edit', Label = 'Open Management Menu', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.6,0.4,0.5), Event = Config.CoreSettings.EventNames.BossMenu,},
{ Name = "vuPayment1", Location = vector3(129.17, -1284.97, 29.5), Width = 0.5, Height = 0.5, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 29.25, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-cash-register', Label = 'Charge Customer', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.4,0.4,0.5), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:bill',},
{ Name = "vuIngredientsFridge", Location = vector3(129.83, -1280.76, 28.75), Width = 0.6, Height = 1.5, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 28.0, MaxZ = 29.0, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-box-open', Label = 'Open Ingredients Fridge', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(1.4,0.6,1.0), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:IngredientsFridge',},
PreparationAreas = {
{ Name = "vuHandWash", Location = vector3(130.30, -1286.20, 29.2), Width = 0.6, Height = 0.8, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 29.0, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-hand-sparkles', Label = 'Wash Hands', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.6,0.8,0.5), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:WashHands',},
{ Name = "vuCocktails", Location = vector3(128.75, -1284.16, 29.35), Width = 0.4, Height = 0.75, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 29.25, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-martini-glass-citrus', Label = 'Pour Cocktails', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.75,0.4,0.25), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:PrepareCocktailsMenu',},
{ Name = "vuBeers", Location = vector3(128.2, -1283.0, 29.35), Width = 0.8, Height = 0.5, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 29.25, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-beer-mug-empty', Label = 'Pour Draughts', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.8,0.4,0.25), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:PrepareBeersMenu',},
{ Name = "vuSpirits", Location = vector3(129.60, -1279.97, 29.35), Width = 0.4, Height = 0.8, Heading = 300.0, MinZ = 29.25, MaxZ = 29.5, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-wine-glass', Label = 'Pour Wines & Spirits', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.8,0.4,0.25), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:PrepareSpiritsMenu',},
StorageAreas = {
{ Name = "vuStorageFridge", Location = vector3(129.68, -1285.59, 28.86), Width = 0.8, Height = 0.8, Heading = 120.0, MinZ = 28.0, MaxZ = 29.25, Icon = 'fa-solid fa-box', Label = 'Open Storage Fridge', Job = 'vanilla', Size = vec3(0.8,0.8,1.25), Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:StorageFridge',},
Props = {
Model = 'prop_parkingpay',
Coords = vector4(135.71, -1277.13, 29.34, 294.88),
Icon = 'fa-solid fa-car',
Label = 'Get Work Vehicle',
Distance = 1.0,
Event = 'lusty94_vanillaunicorn:client:OpenGarageMenu',
Config.Animations = {
WashingHands = {
AnimDict = 'mp_arresting',
Anim = 'a_uncuff',
Flag = 11,
PrepareDrinks = {
AnimDict = 'amb@prop_human_parking_meter@female@base',
Anim = 'base_female',
Flag = 49,
DrinkAlcohol = {
AnimDict = "amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a",
Anim = "idle_c",
Flags = 49,
Prop = 'prop_whiskey_bottle',
Bone = 28422,
Pos = vec3(0.01, -0.01, -0.06),
Rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Config.Language = {
ProgressBar = {
WashHands = 'Washing hands',
PrepareDrinks = 'Pouring drink',
DrinkAlcohol = 'Taking a sip',
Notifications = {
Duty = 'You must be clocked on duty to proceed!',
Busy = 'You are already doing something!',
Cancelled = 'Action cancelled!',
Failed = 'Action failed!',
CantCarry = 'You cant carry anymore!',
MissingItems = 'You are missing items - check the requirements!',
NotEnough = 'You dont have enough to do that or you are missing other items!',
TooMuch = 'You cant process that much at once!',
InvalidAmount = 'You have entered an invalid amount!',
Check Out My Other Scripts Below
Job Scripts
Activities Scripts
- Bin Searching / Recycling
- Fishing Activity
- Metal Detecting Activity
- Farming Activity
- Scuba Diving
- Moonshine
- Hunting
Drug Scripts
Script Bundles
Free Scripts
Code is accessible | Yes/All OS |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 2000+ |
Requirements | qb-core, qb-target, qb-menu, qb-input, qb-inventory, progressbar, ox_lib |
Support | Yes |