[PAID] [QB] Shipwreck Scuba Diving


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  • Usable diving apparatus that equips a diving mask and scuba tank on the player
  • Usable wet suit that applies a wet suit to the player
  • Configurable oxygen level for your diving apparatus so players aren’t underwater for too long
  • Chest prop spawns on the floor when the player opens salved crates
  • Rentable boat to take to diving zones
  • Anchor to use whilst out at sea to stop boat from floating away
  • Usable diving map that shows an image with a rough location of areas to search for shipwrecks and crates

Supported Scripts


  • qb-notify
  • okokNotify
  • mythic_notify
  • ox_lib notify


  • qb-target
  • ox_target


  • ox_lib


  • qb-inventory
  • ox_inventory


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Code is accessible Yes / Open Source
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Requirements qb-core, qb-target, qb-clothing, qb-inventory, ox_lib, ps-ui
Support Yes
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funciona em esx?

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no. qb-core only…

Script Update
Version 1.1.0

  • added support for ox_inventory
  • re-wrote the item selling method

Script Update

Version 1.2.2

  • re-wrote config file for better understanding

  • re-wrote method for spawning shipwrecks and crates which gives the ability to easily add multiple diving zones and crate locations as you please

  • players must now request diving information from the supplies ped which in turns creates the zone blips and spawns the boats and crates from locations defined in the config file this has a 10 minute cooldown by default but can be easily changed in the client file look for
    local cooldownDuration = 10 * 60 * 1000
    and change the first number in this case it is ‘10’ to increase or decrease the timer

  • improved various events and functions for searching crates and opening chests

  • changed notifications to functions to prevent duplicate code

  • added vehicle spawned checks when renting a boat to prevent players being able to rent boats without returning them and improved the vehicle remove event

  • re-wrote the spawning of peds and blips to better improve performance and useability and improved target options for qb and ox

  • changed minigames when opening chests to crack the dial styled minigame - now requires boii_minigames as a dependency instead

  • removed the polyzone dependency as no longer needed due to new code format

main post updated to reflect new dependencies

Script Update

Version 2.0.0

  • Refactor of code to improve performance and remove uneccessary code
  • Improved config file for a better understanding and removed unused code due to Refactor
  • Removed menu option for requesting dive info, crates and boats now spawn automatically and are respawned after a configurable timer - default is 1 hour
  • Aded and item check to targets in config - set to nil if you dont want an item required to target crates underwater
  • Improved how items are given and the probability to get category items from searching crates and opening salvaged crates
  • Improved animations section and removed uneccessary code
  • Improved language section for better understanding and easier configuration
  • Improved notification function to prevent repeat code
  • Improved ped spawning and target functions for them
  • Added blips to boats if set to true in config table
  • Removed progressbars or animation functions for events and replaced with lib.progresscircle and lib.skillcheck for a better UI with more features
  • Improved opening salvaged crates and removed uneccessary code
  • Added various callbacks and checks for items and item amounts to improve security and prevent exploits and abuse
  • Improved oxygen tank refilling object spawning and checks
  • Added majorly improved checks for renting boats and returning them
  • Improved resource starting and stopping events
  • Added ox inventory can carry checks for events
  • Re-wrote methods for checking if player can afford to purchase various items required
  • Added checks for selling to aid in security and to prevent exploits and abuse
  • Removed annoying server print in wrong location
  • Updated readme and added new item: crowbar - required to target crates by default

Script Update

Version 2.0.1

  • Added direct support for latest qb-inventory methods removing the use of Player.Functions.Add/Remove Items
  • Updated README file and included item list for ox_inventory
  • Added item images to menu
  • Improved how items are given and removed for better performance and increased security
  • Improved XP functions and return amounts to reduce code
  • Imrpoved config layout with notes
  • Improved zone blips and disabling them
  • Improved crates and ships spawning on server start / player load
  • Improved some animations
  • Improved language section for custom transaltions
  • Added blips for each crate that is removed upon interaction
  • Improved boat anchors
  • Various other QOL features and improvements
  • Changed some item names to prevent issues with other scripts
  • Removed qb-menu support as ox_lib has more features

Script Update

Version 2.0.3

  • Removed progressCircle completely when searching crates on ocean floor due to constantly being cancelled
  • Fixed oxygen level having to be 0 before allowing to be refilled potentially causing players to die underwater
  • Added missing sound file for oxygen tank