[PAID] QB/ESX/Standalone WooshDrift - Make any vehicle drift

Cost: £30.00 | $35.51 excl. VAT
STANDALONE Purchase: WooshieWorks (Tebex)
QB-CORE Purchase: WooshieWorks (Tebex)
ESX Purchase: WooshieWorks (Tebex)

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WooshDrift allows you to make any vehicle drift without having you edit any handling.meta files.
It comes with a variety of features as well as configuration options to adjust to your liking.


  • Toggle drift mode on a vehicle.
  • Tablet UI that includes the ability to:
    #] Toggle drift mode.
    #] Adjust drift settings to further suite your liking.
    #] Save drift settings as a preset to use in the future.
    #] Share a preset via a one-time code with a friend.
  • Presets are saved locally, so if another server has the script your presets will still be available to you.
  • Vehicle allowlist and vehicle class allowlist via the config.
  • Require a turbo installed on a vehicle, configurable via the config.
  • Keybinds to open the tablet and toggle drift mode, configurable via the config.
  • Have custom handling for all your vehicles? No worry! The script will work fine. However, you may need to change the default values for drift mode via the config. Super easy and documented in the config.
  • QB-Core features:
    #] Make players install a drift kit onto the vehicle before they can toggle drift mode or use the tablet.
    #] Drift kit item, drift kit removal item, tablet item.
    #] Drift kit persistence, so players do not have to constantly install drift kits.

Along with the script is a documented configuration file, as well as a README on how to install the script and any requirements needed.
For QB-Core, inventory images are provided.
There is also support for older versions of QB-Core.

Code is accessible: No, however, the config is accessible. The client and server code is escrowed.
Subscription-based: No
Lines (approximately): 1100
Requirements: If using the QBCore version, then QB-Core is required. If using the standalone version, no requirements.
Support: Yes.

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stand alone still require an item

If you’re asking if the standalone version still requires an item, then no, it’s done purely by keybinds each client can set for themselves, with a config option requiring the vehicle have turbo installed.

events and stuff open to make it work with ESX?

We’ve just released an ESX version after popular request :slight_smile:

is this open source?

It is not :slight_smile:

Your links are broken when i click on the tebex link :frowning:

I’ve since fixed the links, thank you for letting me know. :slight_smile: