[PAID] [QB/ESX] Pets | Electus | Extremely Advanced

Electus Pets V4

Tebex Link (22.99€)

Models Link

Version 4 of Electus Pets (formerly known as kr_pets)


  • If you want all pet models (including horses and donkeys). They can be downloaded here.
  • For everyone who owns kr_pets it is the same asset so do not buy this version since every major script update is offered for free.


  • Fast Interaction - default button Z. Use this to command your pet easily. You can also see what pets are in range to be commanded. The interactions are follow, go to, attack and sniff.

  • Levels - Every level gives you one skill point which is used to upgrade skills or unlock abilities.

  • Skills - You can upgrade your pet to be better at certain things. The skills are:

All Skills
  • Bravery - Upgrade to decrease the risk of your pet fleeing when attacking

  • Speed - Make your pet run faster

  • Health - Increase your pet’s health

  • Toughness - Decrease rate of starvation and dehydration for your pet

  • Sniffing - Increase the chance of finding a sniffed item

  • Obedience - Increase the obedience of your pet (following and riding)

  • Abilities - Unlock special abilities for your pets
All Abilities
  • Add health from eating ability - Adds health whenever your pet is hungry and eats

  • Search Vehicles - Ability to search/sniff the trunk of a vehicle and find already sniffed items

  • Attack Wheels - Makes your pet able to attack wheels and puncture the wheel.

  • Auto Attack - Your pet will automatically attack when your get damaged by another ped who is not in your friend list (if enabled)

  • More Daily Tasks - Unlocks more daily tasks to gain even more XP

  • Guard Area - Makes the pet wander the area and attack anyone who is not in your friend list

  • Daily tasks - Every day there are new tasks for you and your pet to complete in order to gain more XP

  • Job specifics - Limit sniffing or/and attacking to only some jobs

  • Friends - Add new friends or jobs as friendly. This will prohibit the pet from attacking someone in the friend list.

  • Themes - Change the style of the UI

  • Accessories - Over 400 compatibilities with accessories

  • Shops - 3 Shops by default (pet, exotic and farm) but also a police pet shop

  • Riding - Ride horses with a smooth experience

  • Veterinary - See the progress on your hurt pet and also when you can take them out

  • Leash - Does your pet have low obedience? Put them on leash so they don’t walk away

  • Vehicles - If you set your pet to follow, it will follow you inside vehicles. You can also make them go inside vehicles with goto.

  • Pet Bag Inventory - Does your pet have a bag as an accessory? Then you can access it with a pin code and use it as a regular inventory

  • Custom Pet Houses - Add your own pet house or use the default one

  • Emote - Cool dog emotes

  • Carry - Carry your pet

  • Breeding - Your pets will breed if they are compatible (configurable)

  • Receive Event - Use a event to insert the pet model and name it

  • Poop/Pee - Your pet pees and poops

  • Pet Dog - Greet your and others pets


If the script does not work after getting support to fix the potential issue a refund will be made, but proof of the script not working must be provided.


  • QB-Core/ESX.


  • Any target system.


Idle 0.00ms.
Very good optimization


Config (excluding accessories, pet shop and pet animations)

Config = {
    framework = "esx",        -- "esx", "qb"
    locale = "en",
    petMenuPos = "top-left",  -- options between "top-right", "top-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-left"
    targetSystem = "qtarget", -- "none", "qtarget", "qb-target", "ox_target" and more
    inventory = "ox_inventory",    -- "default, esx/qb", "ox_inventory", "mf_inventory", "qs-inventory"
    customStringESXEvent = "esx:getSharedObject",
    customStringQBExport = "qb-core",
    automaticDoors = true,             -- if the vehicle doors should be auto opened
    --Make ticket in discord for more vehicle inventory/trunk scripts support
    vehicleInventory = "ox_inventory", -- options between "mf-inventory", "ox_inventory", "qb", "esx_inventoryhud_trunk" [https://github.com/Trsak/esx_inventoryhud_trunk], "esx_trunk" [https://github.com/schwim0341/esx_trunk], "qs-inventory",  "custom" [use GetCustomVehicleInventoryItems in config, don't use if you don't know a bit of coding],
    petHouseModels = {
        ["dog_house1"] = {
            propId = "prop_doghouse_01",
            itemName = "doghouse_1",
            label = "Dog House",
            maxPets = 10,
            price = 1000,
    allowedJobsToSetAsFriends = { -- if you want to allow certain jobs to be able to set as friends
    items = {
        petFood = "pet_food",
        petWater = "water",
        petLeash = "pet_leash",
    breeding = {
        compatibleBreedingPercentage = 100, -- the percentage of 2 dogs being compatible to breed
        totalBreedingTimes = 2,            -- the total amount of times a dog can breed
    maxAmountPetOutside = 4,             -- max amount of pets allowed outside
    maxAmountPetInsideCommandHouse = 10, -- max amount of pets allowed inside the house from command
    petRecoverTime = 20,                 -- (minutes) the time it takes for your pet to recover from being dead
    enableBlips = true,
    enablePetHouse = true,
    enablePetCommandForHouse = true, -- if you want to be able to command your pet from the pet house
    debug = false,
    petSkillCommand = "petmenu",     -- for pet menu/skill menu (is accessable by default by pressing "K" or target)
    commandName = "pets",            -- for pet storage if enablePetCommandForHouse is true
    enableLearnToSniff = true,       -- if you want your pet to learn to sniff items or just be able to sniff items (from allowedSniffedItems) from the start
    maxCommandRange = 20.0,          -- max range for the pet to be able to do commands
    inventoryIconUrl = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/", -- the url for your inventory icons
    keyActions = {                   -- if you change KeyActions the Key must also be avaliable in Keys table.
        dropPet = "G",
        fastInteraction = "Z",
        interactWithPet = "E",     -- only for non targetsystem users
        openInteractablePet = "E", -- only for non targetsystem users
        stopRiding = "X",
        cancelKey = "BACKSPACE",
        placePetHouse = "E",
        increaseGuardArea = "UP",
        decreaseGuardArea = "DOWN",
        confirmGuardArea = "ENTER",
        petHouseRotateRight = "E",
        petHouseRotateLeft = "Q",
        petHousePlace = "ENTER",
        toEnterName = "ENTER",
    allowedSniffedItems = { -- under here you can add items which are allowed for your pet to sniff e.g. weed, meth or other drugs used on your server!
    rewardsXP = {
        uniqueActions = 3,     --the xp given from unique interactions with pet
        perMinute = 1,         --the xp given from wandering per mile
        successfulAttack = 20, --the xp given from a successful attack
        successfulSearch = 10, --the xp given from a successful search
        fetchedBall = 2,       --the xp given from fetching a ball
        breeding = 100,        --the xp given from breeding
        sniffNewItem = 15,     --the xp given from sniffing a new item (if enabled)
        eat = 5,
        drink = 5,
        attackWheel = 7,
    skillsUpgrade = {
        ["bravery"] = { cost = 1 },
        ["speed"] = { cost = 1 },
        ["health"] = { cost = 1 },
        ["thoughness"] = { cost = 1 },
        ["obedience"] = { cost = 1 },
        ["sniffing"] = { cost = 1 },
    abilitiesUpgrade = {
        ["addHealthEating"] = { cost = 2, amountOfHealth = 20 },
        ["searchVehicle"] = { cost = 4, requireSniffLevel = 5 },
        ["autoAttack"] = { cost = 3, requireBraveryLevel = 5 },
        ["attackWheels"] = { cost = 3, requireBraveryLevel = 5 },
        ["moreDailyTasks"] = { cost = 2, numberOfTasks = 2 },
        ["guardArea"] = { cost = 4, requireBraveryLevel = 5 },
    xpLevelMultiplier = 1.1,                --the multiplier for the xp needed to level up (1.1 = 10% more xp needed to level up for every level done) starting xp required is always 100. Calculation is 100 * xpLevelMultiplier^(level-1)
    jobRestrictions = {
        sniff = "none",                     -- "none" or "police" or {"police", "ambulance",}
        attack = { "police", "ambulance" }, -- "none" or "police" or {"police", "ambulance",}
    delays = {
        statusRemoval = 450,         -- (seconds) the time it takes for your pet's hunger to be removed by one (default 450s => (450*100)/3600 = 12.5 hours for the pet to go from 100 to 0 in hunger)
        newItemToSniffDelay = 100000 -- (milisec) total of 100 sec before the pet can get better at sniffing an item or sniff a new item
    vets = {
            coords = vector3(307.06, -1432.47, 28.97),
            heading = 140.0,
            model = "s_m_m_doctor_01",
            blip = { name = "Veterinary", sprite = 442, color = 2, size = 1.0 },
    vetPrice = 100,
    bags = {
        maxSlots = 20,
        maxWeight = 10000,
    pets = {
        ["a_c_rottweiler"] = { label = "Rottweiler", price = 500, attack = true, sniff = true, },
        ["a_c_retriever"] = { label = "Retriever", price = 400, attack = true, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_pug"] = { label = "Pug", price = 350, attack = false, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_husky"] = { label = "Husky", price = 400, attack = true, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_poodle"] = { label = "Poodle", price = 350, attack = false, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_westy"] = { label = "Westie", price = 350, attack = false, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_shepherd"] = { label = "Shepard", price = 400, attack = true, sniff = true },
        ["a_c_cat_01"] = { label = "Cat", price = 400, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_rat"] = { label = "Rat", price = 150, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_rabbit_01"] = { label = "Rabbit", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_boar"] = { label = "Boar", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_hen"] = { label = "Hen", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["Donkey"] = { label = "Donkey", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["Fullhorse"] = { label = "Full Breed Horse", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["Rangehorse"] = { label = "Range Horse", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["Younghorse"] = { label = "Young Horse", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_cow"] = { label = "Cow", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_deer"] = { label = "Deer", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_pig"] = { label = "Pig", price = 250, attack = false, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_mtlion"] = { label = "Lion", price = 250, attack = true, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_chimp"] = { label = "Chimp", price = 250, attack = true, sniff = false },
        ["a_c_rhesus"] = { label = "Ape", price = 250, attack = true, sniff = false },
    canBeRidden = {
        ["Donkey"] = true,
        ["Fullhorse"] = true,
        ["Rangehorse"] = true,
        ["Younghorse"] = true,
    ui = {
        commandContainerPosition = "topPosition", -- options between "topPosition", "bottomPosition", "Position", "rightPosition"
        closePetsPosition = "leftPosition",        -- options between "topPosition", "bottomPosition", "leftPosition", "rightPosition"
    dailyTasks = {
        tasksPerDay = 5,
        tasks = {
            { id = "feed",         reward = 20, randomRange = { 1, 10 } },
            { id = "water",        reward = 20, randomRange = { 1, 10 } },
            { id = "walk",         reward = 10, randomRange = { 5, 20 } },
            { id = "attack",       reward = 30, randomRange = { 1, 2 } },
            { id = "search",       reward = 30, randomRange = { 1, 3 } },
            { id = "fetchBall",    reward = 10, randomRange = { 1, 5 } },
            { id = "breed",        reward = 50, randomRange = { 1, 1 } },
            { id = "sniffNewItem", reward = 75, randomRange = { 1, 2 } },
            { id = "playEmote",    reward = 10, randomRange = { 5, 20 } },

Other Resources

and more.

Code is accessible Necessary lua code is available
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~12000
Requirements QB/ESX
Support Yes

Very insane, thank you very much for this free big update!


With this update it has become the best animal script

1 Like

Daaang. Would it work on Qbox?

1 Like

Qbox should be backwards-compatible with qb-core, so yes.

Im (Cougar Fanatic) testing this with qbox this week - will let yall know if any issues :slight_smile:


This is a complete system but has enough flaws, a rather poor UI (little customizable, you have to modify the build if you want to do it to your liking). The attention for discord is terrible, quality price very bad.

Hey sorry to hear you are unsatisfied with the script. First of all there is customization but since its built with react it builds and therefore is not as easy to edit. If you use a css formatter for your VScode it becomes really easy to edit the css :slight_smile: . I answer tickets on discord regularly, and you are more than welcome to open a ticket if you have any issues. Since the launch of the script I have already made 17 updates so I do not know what you mean by that. This week I have not been able to answer as much since I have been sick with fever. I wish you a good day,

Loving the script! easy to use and pretty great config wise! however, is there a way to make it where you dont need xp to level your pet? and how does breeding work?