[PAID] [QB/ESX] m-Vipshop - Items/Cars - Real Time Management

New project

:pushpin: About Script:

  • Highly Optimized
  • Many Features
  • Full and easy customization
  • 0.00ms
  • Commands to add/remove coins to players
  • Unlimited cars/items
  • Add items to the vipshop in-game
  • Remove items from the vipshop in-game
  • Re-sotck items from the vipshop in-game
  • Webhooks with purchases

:pushpin: General Settings:

  • Config.Core: Specify your QBCore configuration in this section;
  • Config.Notify: Choose your preferred notification system: qb, okok, ox, or esx;
  • Config.HelpText: Choose the helptext system: qb or ox;
  • Config.VehicleKeys: Choose the keys system: qb, qs, or renewed;
  • Config.Inventory: Choose the inventory system: qb, ox, or qs;
  • Config.Fuel: Choose the fuel system: LegacyFuel, okokFuel, ox_fuel, ti_fuel, qs-fuel;
  • Config.TestDriveTime: Set the duration for test drives.
  • Config.TestDriveLocations: Define locations where cars spawn during test drives.
  • Config.Commands: Access information on all available commands.

:pushpin: Config:

Config = {}

Config.Core = "qb-core" -- Your qb-core folder name
Config.Notify = "qb" -- "qb" or "okok" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.HelpText = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.VehicleKeys = "qb" -- "qb" or "qs" or "renewed" ( open code on config_functions.lua )
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "qb" or "ox" or "qs"
Config.Fuel = "LegacyFuel" -- "LegacyFuel" or "okokFuel" or "ox_fuel" or "ti_fuel" or "qs-fuel" ( open code on config_functions.lua )

-- Test Drive Options
Config.TestDriveTime = 10 -- 10 Seconds
Config.TestDriveLocations = { -- Possible spawn points
    [1] = vector4(-1694.55, -2927.08, 13.94, 238.9),
    [2] = vector4(-1698.62, -2930.15, 13.94, 242.36),
    [3] = vector4(-1700.33, -2935.44, 13.94, 242.78),

-- Commands Options
Config.Commands = {
    openVipShop = {
        command = "openvipshop", -- Command to open the VIP shop
        description = "Access the VIP shop menu", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "user", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    newItem = {
        command = "vipaddnewitem", -- Command to add a new item to the VIP shop
        description = "Add a vehicle to the VIP shop", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    removeItem = {
        command = "vipremoveitem", -- Command to remove an item from the VIP shop
        description = "Remove an item from the VIP shop", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    checkItem = {
        command = "vipcheckitem", -- Command to check items/restock on the VIP shop
        description = "Check an item in the VIP shop", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    giveCoins = {
        command = "vipgivecoins", -- Command to give coins to a player
        description = "Give coins to a player", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command
    removeCoins = {
        command = "vipremovecoins", -- Command to remove coins from a player
        description = "Remove coins from a player", -- Description of the command
        permissions = "admin", -- Permissions needed to use the command

:pushpin: Screenshots:

:pushpin: Links:

| Code is accessible | configs |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | ~1000|
| Requirements | Server Build 2699 |
| Support | Yes |