[PAID] [QB/ESX] m-Plates - Custom Plates - Modern UI and more!

:pushpin: About:

  • 0.00ms
  • Optimized
  • Modern UI
  • Inventory Compatibility: qb, ox, qs
  • Target Compatiblity: qb, ox
  • Max digits protection
  • Words protection
  • Option to enable cops online
  • Option to specific hours
  • Option to enable minigame

:pushpin: Config:

:pushpin: Useful links:

| Buy QB: Click Here
| Buy ESX: Click Here
| Documentation: Click Here
| Preview: Click Here

| Code is accessible | NO, Only configs|
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | ~600|
| Requirements | Server Build 2699 |
| Support | Yes |

Can this be used for a mechanic , say the mechanic buys the plate , can he install it on someone elseโ€™s vehicle?

Issue we have with a plate script we have now is if people have stuff in the trunk or glove box , and you install the new plate it removes the items from that vehicle , has this been tested , for items being removed or duping?

My questions are for ESX Legacy

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Hi, how are you?

I never tested on ESX but on qbcore the only way to save the trunk is people when buy 1x custom plate, buy 2x custom plate, one with the new plate and another one with the old one and put the old one after.

is a config without target?

The location of target? Is on Config.Peds automatic

can i use it with out any target?

I can make it

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