[PAID]✨[QB/ESX] m-Insurance - Car, Home and Health Insurance - Car Accidents - Stolen Vehicles and more!✨


  • Optimized Performance: Low server impact with 0.00ms usage.

  • Fully Customizable: Adjust settings for car, health, and home insurance as needed.

  • Multi-Job Support: Job-specific commands for Police, Ambulance, and Real Estate agents to access their respective insurance menus.

  • Insurance Types:

    • Car Insurance: Includes car registration and insurance with multiple durations (30, 60, 90 days). Prices vary depending on vehicle class.

    • Health Insurance: A simple insurance option for health with various duration choices.

    • Home Insurance: Covers home insurance with options for multiple durations and documentation.

  • Location-Based: Blips and peds placed at various locations for each insurance type, easily customizable.

  • Insurance Documentation: Allows players to recover vehicle registration, health insurance, and home insurance documentation for a fee.

  • Storage System: Includes a stash system to store insurance items with configurable weight and slots.

  • Auto Database Management: Automatic database table creation for insurance records, making integration smooth.

  • Multiple Languages: Supports both English and Portuguese.

  • Job Integration: Works seamlessly with specific jobs like Police, Ambulance, and Real Estate for accessing relevant insurance menus and commands.

  • Insurance Menu: Easy-to-use menu for players to interact with, providing options to purchase or check insurance statuses.

  • Blip Settings: Customizable map blips for insurance-related locations, with adjustable color, scale, and name.

  • Car Accidents:

    • Polices can file accident reports within the insurance menu. This would allow players to report incidents where their vehicle was involved in a collision or any damage that may have occurred.

    • The system can log the details of the accident, such as the date, location, involved parties, and damage.

  • Mark as Stolen:

    • For vehicles that have been stolen, players can ask to police to mark their vehicle as stolen in the insurance menu. This would notify the insurance company and update the vehicle status in the system.

    • An integration with police roles can ensure that the vehicle theft is also logged in the police system. This way, the insurance company can either pause or cancel the coverage temporarily until the vehicle is recovered or proven to be a theft.

  • Suspending Documents:

    • Insurance documents, such as car registrations or car insurance can be suspended under certain conditions (e.g., non-payment, fraud, or vehicle theft).

    • Players can access the insurance menu to check the status of their documents, including whether they are suspended.

    • When a document is suspended, the player may be required to pay a fee or complete additional actions to restore their coverage. ( This need to be in roleplay payment )

  • Compatible Inventory’s: qb-inventory, qs-inventory, ox_inventory

  • Compatible Target’s: qb-target, ox_target

  • Compatible Society’s: qb-management, qb-banking, okokBanking, renewed-banking

  • Compatible Emote’s: rpemotes, dpemotes, aty_emotes, cylex_animmenuv2, r_animations

:camera_flash: Screenshots


:pushpin: Links:

Watch Video: Click Here
Buy QBCore: Click Here
Buy ESX: Click Here
Buy MLO: Click Here
Bundle Script + Map QBCore: Click Here
Bundle Script + Map ESX: Click Here
Documentation & Installation QBCore: Click Here
Documentation & Installation ESX: Click Here

Code is accessible configs + inventorys
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1250
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes

I want more!

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If you want more, feel free to write your all suggestions!! :smiley: :heart_eyes:

nice work <3

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I have already buy the script longs months ago, but is it a V2 or just an update.
Also insane script !
Maybe push an intégration with okokBanking and JG scripts could be nice

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Hi Victor, how are you?

Is a update on whole script, so, you only need re-download from keymaster :stuck_out_tongue:

About the JG + okok already have some compatibilitys with the garages of them.