[PAID][QB][ESX] Don Traffic Lights

Gone are the days of server rules for how long players have to wait at traffic lights, and then relying on an honour system, or the days of police blowing red lights with their sirens on, I mean, don’t they have right of way?



  • Optimised code, resmon of 0~0.1ms. Peaking for civilians when stopped at lights and when LEO’s have sirens on near traffic lights.
  • Config Option for ESX or QBCore!
  • Config options for traffic light search and duration, as well as options for adding different LEO’s.
  • Set the duration of traffic lights for players.
  • Traffic Lights go green if player is an LEO and has sirens on.
  • Local traffic now see’s the updated signals, and will drive when the light turns green.
    Config & ReadMe
    | Code is accessible | No |
    | Subscription-based | No |
    | Lines | 385 |
    | Requirements | QBCore/ESX |
    | Support | Yes |


  • v1.0.8 - Optimised the traffic light search function, now lights facing away from the player will be turned red.
  • v1.0.7 - Added Standalone option // Can be used without ESX or QBCore
  • v1.0.6 - Changed the Config option for ESX to be the same as QBCore, now you can add as many jobs as you want
  • v1.0.5 - Added Sheriff and Highway as job titles for ESX
  • v1.0.4 Added Config option for ESX, job check currently setup for police, ambulance and fire, use Config.JobCheck to set the job checks respectively.
  • v1.0.3 Added amber light to smooth transitions when player leaving intersection area // server synced
  • v1.0.2 Local traffic listens to the updated signals // server synced
  • v1.0.1 Added Config.JobCheck so users aren’t forced to only use FirstResponders
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ESX please! <3

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Is definitely something that will be happening :slight_smile:

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on my list to buy when it drops! Thanks for replies!

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updated to for esx config option :ok_hand:

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swoopin in the next week! Thank you

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very welcome, thank you for the interest!

all hail dom

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