[PAID] [QB] [ESX] BurgerShot | Player Owned Business


An all-in-one Playerowned script that you’ll ever need for your roleplay server. Works as both Self and Auto Mode. So you will not lose a penny even if you are offline.


- Usable Food and Drink Items

- Item Stock Management :-

  • Add/Remove Items from the Stock
  • Update prices of the Items

- Sitable Chairs and Table

- Automatic Business Mode (Self/Automatic)

  • Self: Player will have to ask Employee For the Order
  • Auto: Players can buy Directly from the Menu

- Employee Storage

- Money Management (qb-management or esx_society)

Video Preview: Youtube
Purchase: Click Here

My Other Resources (ESX/QB):-

PL-Voting (ESX/QB): Click Me
PL-UwuCafe (ESX/QB) : Click Here
NPC Drug Selling (ESX/QB) : Click Here

Code is accessible No (Config, Editable Client and Server functions)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1100
Requirements qb-core, ox_lib, es_extended, qb-target or ox_target
Support Yes

New Features

Added the ability to make items from a fixed position, eliminating the need to start the process each time.
Added Compatibility for new qb 2.0, qs, ak47 inventory. 
Added CanCarryFunction for ESX. 
Added Separate Remove, Add Money Function. 
Added Compatibility for target system qb,ox,qtarget in both esx and qbcore.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a Bug in which player can create multiple items without having the required ingredients
Fixed some client-side translation error.
Fixed a Bug where you can add items to shop even if you dont have them in your inventory.
Now item category will be generated in a proper order.