[PAID] [QB] Blindfold Item


Plug and play blindfold item for QB that can be used on another player to blindfold them.

Getting Blindfolded: mana-blindfold getting blindfolded - Clipped with Medal.tv

Blindfolding Another: mana-blindfold putting it on and taking it off of another player - Clipped with Medal.tv



  • All files are non-encrypted

  • Useable blindfold item which applies a blindfold effect on the closest player’s screen & applies a mask to the player blindfolded. When the blindfold is taken off, the player’s original mask will be restored.

  • /blindfold command to take off your own or another’s blindfold. Cannot be used while handcuffed or dead Optionally gives the blindfold item to the player taking it off for re-use.

  • Two textures included for the blindfold.

    • One which completely blinds the player

    • Another with holes for limited player vision

  • Optional blur effect to apply while blindfolded

  • QB included UI features used

    • QB progress bar

    • QB 3D text on your character to show others around when putting on or taking off a blindfold

    • QB item added/removed box popups

  • Full locale support. Easy to add your own translations.

  • Reload support. Stopping the resource will take off blindfolds and restore original masks from the player’s wearing them.


The blindfold texture may cover some HUD elements, but does not cover the chat. Not sure why this is or if it can be changed.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 150
Requirements QB
Support Yes
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Will be esx legasy?

Currently only QB is supported. I’ll see if I can add ESX support tonight.