[PAID] [QB] Best Buds Weed Shop Job

Important Information :exclamation:

  • This script has been removed from my Tebex store and replaced with a new resource named Multi: Weed Shops which combines this script and White Widow into one single resource that is infinitely expandable for server owners to add locations wherever they require

  • The purchase link can be found here: https://lusty94.tebex.io/package/6747059

  • The preview video can be found here: https://youtu.be/lUVM2MiCmGg

  • The documentation can be found here: Weed Shops | Lusty94

Code is accessible Yes / ALL
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Requirements qb-core, qb-target, qb-inventory, ox_lib
Support Yes

Script Update

Version 1.3.5

+Added support for ox_inventory
+Major quality of life improvements to aid in performance
+Improved menus for events
+Re-written some functions & events to aid in performance

Script Update

Version 2.0.0

  • complete refactor of code and various imrpovements for events and functions and removed duplicate code
  • removed qb-progresbar and utilise lib.progresscircle for a cleaner look
  • added lib.skillcheck for some tasks [picking, trimming, bagging and rolling]
  • rewrote notification methods to prevent duplicate code
  • ox_inventory shops and stashes are registered upon resource starting
  • refactor of the config file for a better understanding
  • majorly improved target functions to prevent repeat code
  • added various checks and functions to prevent abuse and exploits
  • improved resource stopping function
  • renamed empty_weed_bag to emptybaggies to prevent clashes with other scripts
  • updated readme file

Script Update

Version 2.0.1

  • Added direct support for latest qb-inventory methods removing the use of Player.Functions.Add/Remove Items
  • Added direct support for latest qb-invnetory methods of shops and stashes
  • Updated README file and included item list for ox_inventory
  • Completely re-wrote consumable items events - majorly reducing code and improving performance / security
  • All consumables are now controlled within the script from Config.Consumables.Items - here you can define multiple useable items with requirements and custom props / animations
  • Completely re-wrote events for trimming, bagging, rolling joints and making edibles - now uses an input amount as an option to allow players to process mulltiple amounts at once
  • Changed the event for snack shelfs - only employees can access the snack shelfs and prices are set to 0 as per so funds can be sent to society through billing methods for products
  • Improved all callbacks for better security and item amount checks
  • Added config.language section for custom translations
  • Added item images to menus
  • Added config.language section for custom translations
  • General QOL improvements
  • Changed plasticbong name to plasticbongbb to prevent clashes with other scripts
  • Removed some target zones that were no longer required due to being replaced with props and target options tied to them instead
  • Removed qb-menu support as ox_lib has more features
  • Removed support for jim-shops in favour of new qb-inventory shops to reduce potential issues from non updated scripts

Script Update

Version 2.1.0

  • Improved strain picking events to reduce code and pass the strain parameter to a single event instead of an event for each strain
  • Improved events for picking, trimming, bagging and rolling joints to display more information and reduce singular events for each crop type
  • Added billing support for okokBilling & jim-payments
  • Improved stashes and shops for ox_inventory users
  • Improved vehicle spawning event
  • Fixed missing timer value for lib.requestModel for props
  • Improved how items are given and removed for better performance and increased security allowing users to add custom inventory scripts
  • Improved version check information
  • Various other QOL improvements

Important Information :exclamation:

  • This script has been removed from my Tebex store and replaced with a new resource named Multi: Weed Shops which combines this script and Best Buds into one single resource that is infinitely expandable for server owners to add locations wherever they require.

  • The purchase link can be found here: https://lusty94.tebex.io/package/6747059