[paid] pvp hud



  • Standalone

  • Shows the player’s Health and Armor in real time

  • Possibility to change 3 different positions of the hud

  • Ability to change the color of the hud

TEBEX (3.00€)

| Code is accessible No
| Subscription-based No
| Lines (approximately) 9
| Requirements Standalone
| Support Yes

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3 euros for that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I was undecided about the price, I opted for this, the community is free to buy it and not :wink::wink:

This is exactly the same as [PAID] Dekkk Hud || Hud for PVP SERVERS and for the same price.


what does it mean to me?

I want to clarify one thing, this resource is an old draft of mine, if I am not using someone else’s source code, what should I worry about? If we want to be stubborn, there are billions of resources similar to others, so I would like to avoid ending up on this topic because it makes no sense to talk about it. Having said that, I wish you a good day :wink:

Yes, there are differences, border-radius and fas fas icons, I wish you continued success.

People are free to buy your resource and also free to comment their opinion on “your” work :wink: :wink:

I have never said otherwise :thinking:

Did I mention diversity? But if we really want to talk about it, the first to bring out such a nui is Glife

Looks the same as another released hud lmao