[PAID] [PROPS] Bites Sandwiches

DJ’s Collections has created a set of 33 bite sandwich props specifically designed for your FiveM server. These props add a fun, realistic touch to your gameplay, enhancing the overall experience.
Additionally, we’ve collaborated with XMMX Development to offer a fully functional script that integrates seamlessly with these props. This script allows you to interact with the sandwiches in-game

Features: (33x addon prop)

Supported Inventorys:
These Props have premade configs & Images That Support below.

Purchase Props:

Purchase Script

Website: https://djscollections.com/

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Requirements Any script using props
Support Yes

if get this, when im in game and use the item from here will the character emote eat/drink cause theres no emote folder for qbcore

We are currently, in the process making the premade ox inventory config for it. However we use the default emotes that are pre installed with fivem. you can also join the discord and check out how they are set up alot.

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