[PAID] PMA Radio Script - sm-radio

Hi, I bought this and when caps lock is pressed the character does the animations however the voice is not transmitted and the box in the bottom right that turns yellow when someone speaks does not turn yellow

have you figured out a solution? i have the same problem

bad script; not working :slight_smile: dont buy it.

Are you starting the script in the server cfg before es_extended?

Yes it does work. I use it in my city.

yes it is before es_extended, does it have to be after it?

Yes start it after your esx stuff

Make a Animation when 1 Talk in the Radio

Where can i Translate this ? 22323

ITS LIKE THE BASIC…!!! man … !

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Whats that for a Script that you see the Tick Rate ?

a lot of this error , someone have an idea… or the creator ??? thanks

[ script:sm-radio] SCRIPT ERROR: @sm-radio/server.lua:6: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)
[ script:sm-radio] > handler (@sm-radio/server.lua:6)
[ script:sm-radio] SCRIPT ERROR: @sm-radio/server.lua:6: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)
[ script:sm-radio] > handler (@sm-radio/server.lua:6)
[ script:sm-radio] SCRIPT ERROR: @sm-radio/server.lua:6: attempt to index a nil va


I wanted to know if they are still functional? in 2021

You must have ESX and start it in the config before sm-radio.

It is still functional in 2021, yes.

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Does it show who else is im my radio channel?

i know i havent done anything or changed anything. but for some reason i keep getting this error

[ script:sm-radio] SCRIPT ERROR: @sm-radio/server.lua:8: attempt to index a nil value

I have the mumble one but I recently just transferred to pma-voice, is there anyway I could get the pma one without buying again?

Youve got to redownload it. Check your email where you downloaded it before.

I dont have that email anymore…