[PAID] Plaster cast V2

:mending_heart: Plaster cast v2 is here ! :mending_heart:

This package contains props and script
This script was created to be run on a server with ESX framework . If you have another framework, you are free to convert it.
Only props are obfuscated !
Support can only be done on the original script and ESX Framework.

:dizzy:What’s new ?

  • New bandages for male and females (9 props for each)
  • The choice to let players use the menu or reserve it for ambulance job
  • The possibility to use our menu or use exports in your script
  • You can choose the menu alignment
  • Plaster cast and bandages are saved. So you can disconnect, they’ll be here when you come back !

:film_projector: https://youtu.be/aqOHYGOGRtk
:shopping_cart: Purchase on TEBEX
If you have already purchased the first version, just download the new one in your Keymaster assets.

:page_facing_up:What was already available in the first version ? (and still available)

  • 8 plaster cast and medical props like neckbrace, armsling… (for male and female)
  • Animations for arm slings (both side and male/female)

:books:Note that :

  • Casts are attached to specific bone so some animations/walk may make feet or hand pass through leg and forearm casts since animations make move several bones.
  • Some thick clothes can pass through casts.

Made in collaboration with Wargunx

:warning: This pack is semi-obfuscated (only props are obfuscate). You are not allowed to share or sell this pack.
You can edit all the script (client/server/config/locales side).
You can find help in the README for ESX Framework.
To retrieve a package you have just purchased, got to FiveM Keymaster then to “Purchased Assets”.

Props pack that may interest you : Medic Pack

Script is accessible Yes
Props are accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements ESX but may be converted by you to other framework
Support Yes (only on ESX and on original script)

Hey! Any chance to get this on qb-core? :slight_smile:

Hi, as it’s written, we plan to convert to qbcore but can’t tell when it will be done, we have to learn how works this framework :slightly_smiling_face:


Hiii perfect, hit me up when it’s good!

Once it applied to player how can player remove it? Or will bandage disappear automatically?

Just re select the same prop and it will remove it or select the option “remove all”.
They don’t disapear until you remove them. You have to import in your database our .sql file in order to save them on the player when he disconnect.

Bookmarking for qb lol

Any movement on QBCore version?

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Not yet

we NEED this for qb!

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Is the QB version of this still being looked into or has the project been abandoned?

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An update has been pushed
Following many requests to convert the script to other framework (other than ESX), we decided not to obfuscate the script.
You can now edit it as you like and convert it if your server is not running on ESX.
Props remain obfuscated.
You can now download the update to your Keymaster

Hello :wave:
Due to many requests to convert the script to another framework (other than ESX) and due to lack of time, we have decided not to obfuscate the script.
You can now modify it as you wish and convert it if your server is not running on ESX.
The props remain obfuscated.

Why dont you guys just release a QB version instead of having the consumer do it themselves ?