[PAID][Ped's] Samurai Shinzo V 1.0 (Custom Ped)

Hello, it's time to make a cool change in your server character

this is Ped ig_hao that I worked on, a total of 39 items, which will be updated soon, the items include 6 sets of clothing and body with tattoos, 3 facial expressions, 1 beard and pirate eye patch, and 2 The shoes can be seen in the photo below Most of the items have a lot of texture, but some are in the form of one texture, but if needed, you can send a ticket to add Note that this is my first project and your comments can definitely help me improve my work, whether in terms of price or suggestions for another dress, I will gladly accept and do it.
  • Base Ped : ig_hao
  • 30+ Clothes Item [head, berd, UPPR, Lower, Feet, teef, Accs, task, JBIB, and other]
  • 50+ Texture [Most of the items have several textures, but you can order separately ]

:crown: PREVIEW

:green_circle: mask and cloth’s item





:green_circle: WHERE TO PURCHASE

PURCHASE ON TEBEX : https://atx.tebex.io/package/5559604

:necktie: UPDATE


date : 7/25/2023

1. fix body and head

2. add a 2 mask

3. add a hairstyle

4.add 2 beard and moustache

5.add 1 uppr NBA cloths and 1 lower shorts

  1. Fixation of all bodies when you were doing hands up - optimize all files

nb: if you are unsure about how to purchase or install a product on your FiveM server, please don’t hesitate to contact your server development team for assistance.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
Escrow Yes

گوه میخوره ریده بودن :rofl:

Koni bi adab🤣

New Update is out! :heart_eyes:

you are aware you are not allowed use IRL brands for items being sold as its against TOS. If you had the Los Santos Panic it would be fine but this is jersey for LS Lakers a IRL brand.

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Thanks for the information, note that the textures are editable and you can replace any desired texture you need. :wink:

I am not editing a IRL brand. As the creator selling its your responsibility to sell product that follows the TOS. You selling a ped with a Lakers logo and jersey is against TOS as its a IRL brand.

Yes, I understand, I meant as editing from our side as you like, not that you edit yourself, we will edit everything you need from clothes to textures for you. :kissing_heart: