Purchase link for MTL Flatbed:TEBEX - 4$
Purchase link for Vapid Caracara:TEBEX - 4$
Purchase link for Karin Everon:TEBEX - 4$
Purchase link for Lampadati Komoda:TEBEX - 4$
Purchase link for Vapid Speedo:TEBEX - 4$
You pay by the packet. There is a lot of stuff modelled by me in the pack. I did not use someone else’s work from gta5-mods as it was written above. The fact that the car has some likeness is unavoidable by gta.
What’s modeled by you??? The cars are vanilla cars using in game images. The most you did was put a light bar on them. I’m guessing the light bar is a free one from somewhere on the internet as well.
All you did was make a minor change to Rockstar assets. You used:
Karin Everon pickup truck
Vapid Caracara pickup truck
Lampadati Komoda
Speedo Custom van
MTL Flatbed tow truck
So, I agree that you didn’t use someone else’s work from gta5-mods. Instead, you used Rockstars work right from the game and you want to charge money for them. You can NOT sell Rockstar assets even if you did put some free lightbar you found on them. A lightbar you probably got from lspdfr.com.
I sells add-ons for cars and liverys applied to them (It’s easier to write that he sells vehicles because it’s a generic term). You will find similar but not the same lightbars because I modeled them myself. Even when it comes to the use of vehicles, map makers should not use their props, so in my opinion I did not break any rules.
You are not selling addons that you can just put on any car. You are selling the actual car as if you have the right to it just because you put a light bar on it and an in-game image that you didn’t create. You are not allowed to sell Rockstar assets (the cars).
If I sold it together with the cars, the price would be higher. I can start selling the lightbars alone but I think it’s pointless, because not everyone can edit vehicles. I’m making much less of a problem selling this than people taking a model from gta5mods and putting it up with the logo blurred and calling it (no car badges). I could also sell my own modeled cars by me, but not everyone has a budget of $70 per vehicle. These packages are in fact possible for everyone.
You have to keep in mind that there is work and time involved and you should pay for it appropriately. In any case, I think the prices are perfectly fine and I’m happy to pay for them.
I also don’t understand why some people always have to put others down. Nobody is forcing you to buy the products.