[PAID] [OX] Attach Bike to Vehicles


Script to attach any bike to a vehicle (restriction by vehicle class) to the roof and/or the back

Accessible configuration: You can add vehicles in the config.lua to better positionning the bike in relation to the vehicle in the case where the basic defined hooks are not satisfactory (bone/offset) as well as the text of the notifications

Works with vanilla vehicles and addons

Preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUnblizZ-SE

Link : https://ams-script.tebex.io/category/new-scripts

Other Scripts : Npc Deleter Standalone

| Code is accessible | No/Config.lua only |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 300 |
| Requirements | ox_lib/ox_target |
| Support | Yes |


1 Like

uff, nice but 24 bucks? :money_mouth_face:

1 Like

Nice idea, but for that money… rather buy someting usefull.
Don’t get me wrong but is too much for what it will be used for.

@Randy_Clocks @CharlyJuice

Hi,I heard you and I reduced the price. Thank you for your feedback :blush:


Edited link, new low price, enjoy! :smiley: