[paid] nypd v3 2022 megapack 65 veh non els

After 4 Long Months its here! NYPD V3 Final Version 2022 MEGAPACK!
65 Non ELS High Quality vehicles close as possible to NYPD Spec with 97% Accuracy!
Fleet and size is based off NYPD IRL from your Basic Crown Vic to your unusual Camry!
Ranges from normal Patrol RMPs to ESU Units, Unmarked Units, Auxiliary, to even Traffic!

All Templates are included and all YFTs are Protected. Decided to release my pack here due to multiple leak attempts before official release! Support offered if for some reason needed
File download split into 3 files due to size! Feel free to contact me here or below

Can purchase in my newly formatted Tebex HERE-----> https://modifications-r-us.tebex.io/package/5235829

Small gallery preview (Not all vehicles shown): NYPD VERSION 3 - Album on Imgur

I wont answer much questions on this forum unless really needed. You either share interest and purchase or you do not and move on. That’s how the world works!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ive Made these Vehicles as Qualitied and Detailed as Possible with High Quality Liveries as well. You FiveM will show Warnings due to size which is normal, I dont tend to make low quality performance friendly vehicles

Check Out My Other NY Packs!
NYC Mini Agencies Pack

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | Vehicle Meta, Carcols Meta, Carvariations Meta |
| Requirements | None Standalone |
| Support | Yes |


Most realistic NYPD pack I have ever found on FiveM. Good handling and they work very well in a good situation. Highly recommend this pack for anyone that wants to make a new york server.

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Thank you sir!

bro ima buy this all over again mad good for 75 bucks 65 damn cars

Amazing pack. Includes some rare cars that no one would have probably included if they made it. I highly recommend purchasing. Figgy is an amazing Dev and super respectful and helpful if you run into any issues.

Hey Figgy, I was wondering if you can help with a issue pertaining NYCRP. If you can get back to me add me on discord @giobloxk#6255 Thank you

Yup, Thanks

The LAPD pack you have, do they come configured for steady burn red? and curious since i am running LASD/LSSD in the server as well, will templates that fit redsaints work on them as well? only asking since the YFTs are protected I guess i cant view the cars in OpenIV?

Some if not all of them have the configured Steady Burn RED LED. If its missing on a few of em easy to configured through carcols anyways. I cannot speak on an others Developers work, But yes they are not openable through Open IV

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How Are the lights on the cars? do they actually work good?

No complaints thus far

Does this come with moto, heli, boat, and speed unit? And you said “NYPD Project is planned to go through a Refresh/Remaster sometime in 2023” on your tebex does that mean this pack will get updated?

No Motorcycle, Helicopter, Boat, or “Speed Unit”
Motorcycle falls Under Highway Patrol which is included, Just no Bike
Helicopter is Aviation (Not much of a market for of base models f or that
Boat is under Harbor which decided for this pack not to included

“Speed Unit” is not a thing unfortunately lol

Yes to answer your question this pack including this one from Tebex will be remastarted/updated within 2023


I just meant like fast cars lol

Im having issues running this on my server, i purchased off of Tebex, keeps saying i need a key?

Reach out in discord or Email support email. I dont check Forums to often so didnt see this till now lol

Can I get your discord link to purchase?

is there a link to ur shop because that one in the desc is not working.