[PAID] NProbleM Wanted (Realistic Wanted Poster) [QBCORE, ESX]

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjQcOfoOiWo

Buy Here: https://nproblem.tebex.io/package/6091414

:globe_with_meridians: User-Friendly Interface:
Provide a welcoming and user-centric interface design for players.

:video_game: Ease of Use:
Simple and understandable commands for a quick start.

Capability to make basic adjustments with just a few clicks.

:hammer_and_wrench: Ease of Editability:
Modular structure allows for easy understanding and editing of codes with explanatory comments and organized code.

Developer-friendly coding standards enable smooth editing by you or other developers.

:earth_africa: Realistic Scenario:
Introduce a reward system for successfully apprehending wanted individuals, encouraging civilians to actively pursue and arrest high-profile suspects.

:handshake: Community Support:
Continuous updates and regular community interactions for script improvement.

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Mining: Advanced Mining Script Modern, Realistic&Databased [ESX/QB]

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Criminal Report: [PAID] NProbleM PD Report (Crime Report SYSTEM) [QBCORE, ESX]

Realistic Newspaper: [PAID] NProbleM Newspaper (Realistic Newspapers) [QBCORE, ESX]

Taxi JOB: [PAID] NProbleM Taxi Job (Realistic Job) [QBCORE, ESX]

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +100
Requirements ESX&QB
Support Yes