[PAID] NPC Manager Standalone

The purpose of this script is to centralize all your store npcs, jobs and etc in a single script.

This script was developed to allow you to optimize your time and lines of code when you need to add a static NPC somewhere on the map.


  • Manage your NPCS in one resource.

  • Can add scenario on NPC

  • He stays still forever, no one can attack him.

  • When you leave it closes automatically. This makes the server more optimized.

  • You can add action prompts, for example: Button to open a store or sell animals.

  • You can configure multiple coordinates for the same NPC;

  • You can add an npc to spawn in a different place every time you restart the server;

  • You can add a specific time for the NPC to appear or disappear.

  • All Prompt Buttons fire an event Using TriggerEvent.

Example of a Dog Selling NPC

Prompts to interact with npc

NXT NPC Manager Tebex Store

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400 +
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
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The Tebex link doesn’t work.