[PAID] NPC Interaction [QB/ESX]


Today I want to release my script where you can interact with NPC’s and get rewarded. (ONLY FOR PMA/MUMBLE)

The script works only in certain areas for example Southside (you can change the coords and the radius in the Config file).

You have to speak to the npc’s in a certain period of time & they will respond.
They respond normally (nothing happens), aggressiv (they call the police) or sympathetically and give you a Waypoint where a Dealer waits for you.

The dealer gives you a specific Item and a random amount & sent you to the buyer. The buyer gives money for the items.

The script is used to entertain players and earn money.

Tebex: click here

  • My Other Scripts

Modern Pausemenu - click here
Modern Inventory- click here
Modern Market- click here

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Requirements qbcore or esx
Support No

It doesn’t work with teamspeak etc. only PMA voicechat. It checks if the player is speaking in a certain time.