[PAID] np_advancedTracking

Welcome to Squid-Development.
Today we would like to present you np_advancedTracking. With this script you can, with a whitelisted job, track vehicles as well as cell phones.


  • Locate vehicle
  • Locate cell phone
  • integrate your own Notify
  • complete translations (if not available, just request in support)


Tebex-Shop (5€)


Very nice script


Does every officer on duty get the message regarding the tracking or only the officer who started it?
Does the system also recognize e.g. license plates the ABC 1234 are 3 letters and 4 numbers?
Does the cell phone location also recognize such cell phone numbers? 839-7279

  1. Yes. Every Officer can see, when you tracking a phone number. This can easely be changed by removing the np_advancedTracking:sendJobMsg Event in the script.
  2. Yes. You can have a input of 8 characters of your choice by tracking a license plate
  3. Yes. You can configure the max. lenght of a phonenumber in the config too

PS: sry for my english xD