[PAID] Notepad

About Notepad

Notepad scripts for role-play servers.






  • Supports QB & ESX (only ox-inventory)
  • Optimized
  • Easy configuration
  • Includes inventory icons
  • Notepad & Notepad page items
  • Tear page system



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This script uses FiveM Escrow System.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 750+
Requirements No
Support Yes

do you think you will be adding support for mf inventory?

I didn’t see any metadata feature in the mf-inventory documentation, unfortunately notepad will not support it

it does have meta data though

exports["mf-inventory"]:addInventoryItem(self.identifier,name,count,self.source,quality, ...)

I didn’t see it among the arguments

you can use two different ways i believe

xPlayer.addInventoryItem(“businesslicence”, 1,100, {[“Business Name”] = name, [“Issue Date”] = os.date(“%d/%m/%Y”), [“Issued By”] = xPlayer.getName()})


metadata = {
[‘Plate’] = plate,
[‘Renter’] = xPlayer.getName(),
[‘Date & Time’] = os.date(“%d/%m/%Y %X”),
xPlayer.addInventoryItem(‘rentalpapers’, 1, 100, metadata)

the docs arent the best :frowning:

yes, I think the documents are old, is there a place where I can find more?

does your character do the notepad emote when the notepad is open? doesnt look like it does in the preview video

Can you support Core Inventory please ? :smiley: I will buy it if you can :slight_smile:

Supports now core-inventory and qs-inventory

Would it be possible to have a Standalone version as well?

It’s not possible at the moment

Sounds good, would be really cool. Keep us updated, this script look awesome

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Thanks sir.

I see in description it says only supports ox inventory? So it does not support qb-inventory?

No, esx only has support for ox_inventory. There is support for qb-inventory for QBCore.

just incredible

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Nice :wink:

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cool! Little things can make huge difference!

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Good script of notes

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