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NALAJCIE- HOSTAGE CARD - A script that enables interaction with a hostage in the game. It randomly selects an NPC model from a configuration file. The user has the ability to set animations on the NPC, shoot the NPC, or release the hostage.
1. Random NPC Model Selection:
The script randomly chooses an NPC model from those defined in the configuration file, making each gameplay unique.
2. Setting Animations on NPC:
The user can set animations on the selected hostage, adding realism to the interaction.
3. Advanced Interaction Options:
The script allows shooting the NPC, which can be part of a scenario or mission.
The user also has the option to release the hostage, ending the situation peacefully.
Simple configuration via config
Config = {}
Config.Settings = {
Model = {
Animation = {
Animation = 'idle_a_fp',
Dictionary = 'anim@mp_player_intuppersurrender',
Animation = 'idle_a',
Dictionary = 'random@arrests@busted',
Animation = 'f_cower_02',
Dictionary = 'mp_bank_heist_1',
Animation = 'm_cower_01',
Dictionary = 'mp_bank_heist_1',
Animation = 'm_cower_02',
Dictionary = 'mp_bank_heist_1',
Animation = 'kneeling_arrest_idle',
Dictionary = 'random@arrests',
Animation = 'm_cower_01',
Dictionary = 'rcmbarry',
Locale = {
target = 'Uwolnij zakładnika',
distane = 1.5,
icon = 'fas fa-hand-paper',
showTextUI = '**STEROWANIE NPC** \n [ENTER] - Umieść \n [E] - Obróć \n [G] - Animacja \n [BACKSPACE] - Anuluj',
already_setting_npc = 'Już ustawiasz NPC. Anuluj to lub poczekaj, aż zakończysz.',
canceled_setting_npc = 'Anulowałeś ustawianie NPC.',
Code is accessible | No (Only Config) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 237 |
Requirements | ESX, OX_LIB, OX_INVENTORY |
Support | Yes |