[Paid] Murphy’s Bank [VORP-REDEM-QB-RSG]

Murphy’s Bank


Murphy Banking provides players with personal and business accounts (if they are business owners), allowing them to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money to other players’ accounts. Additionally, the script includes a transaction history feature, enabling players to review their past account activities.

Store: https://murphy.tebex.io/
Showcase Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aEYccTDkjE


:dollar:Two types of account
Players can open a personal account but also a business account if they are a boss.

:chart_with_upwards_trend:Bank transaction history
Deposits, withdrawals and transfers are saved in a database. The player can view their account history via a tab in the interface.

:floppy_disk: Discord Logs
Integrated Discord logs to see all completed transactions.

:gear: Performance
The script takes as low resources as possible, running at ~0.01ms.


  • murphy_discordlogs (free)
  • murphy_notify (free)
  • uiprompt (kibook’s)


  • VORP Core
  • QBCore
  • RSG
  • REDEM:RP (legacy)
  • REDEM:RP (2023)

If your framework isn’t listed you can send me a direct message, it would be a pleasure to add it !

Price: 25€ | Buy it on tebex !

Code is accessible Only config and adapters
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1200
Requirements murphy_notify(free) murphy_discordlogs(free) uiprompt(free)
Support Yes