[PAID] MMA Gloves Clothing V2 - Male & Female

Have you always had a dream that you wanted to become an MMA star? Look no further, you can do this today on your very own FiveM server! Pick up these MMA gloves for a cheap price with FIVE color variants for both male and female!

Preview Images:



  • Replace Clothing Accessory
  • Highly Detailed
  • All Five Color Varients In One Clothing Slot
  • Created For Male & Female Characters
  • Custom Textures can be made on request

Purchase: https://godev-store.tebex.io/package/5737573 :money_with_wings: CHEAP PRICE

Previous Work:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements FiveM Patreon Key for streaming clothing assets
Support Yes

dope! can we get a prop mma octagon ??

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It’s a planned release!

any script for that to fight ?

Hi! We don’t offer any custom scripts for fighting. But you can use the standard GTA mechanics to have a good fight. Or perhaps find a 3rd party selling a script. :slight_smile:

Just to make you aware! We have now released your suggestion!

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