[PAID] [MLO] The Motor Motel

Our team presents to your attention The Motor Motel.
This interior is a global reworking of the standard ** The Motor Motel** at the Road 68. Our mappers try to respect the authenticity of the world, but do not forget about the functionality.
Road68 exterior collision comes with LSC. If you use a custom exterior replacing the original one, a conflict may arise.


Test server for those who want to personally see the interior: connect Mapping Server Epsilon! / Cfx.re
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Our other products
FireStation 7
Taxi Station
Cafe Little Teapot
Dream View Motel
Vinewood Fannypackers Motel

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Requirements | build FiveM server 2699 or newer|
| Support | Yes in Discord |


This looks great and I’m glad you kept it lore friendly. Very nice price! It has a very rustic feel to it. Nice work!

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Thank you, our team is very pleased to read such reviews about our work

I’m using gabz harmony for the mechanic shop next to it and i’m scared that it will not be compatible :cry:

Yo, yes, the motel and harmony mechanics are located on the same part of the map and their collision will interfere with each other. We have written about this on Tebex, but I forgot to write about it on cfx