[No Cap Developments] VIC Roads MLO

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No Cap Developments - Tebex Store
No Cap Developments - Map Subscription Pack (all maps)


  • Victorian Based

  • Reflective Floors

  • Breakable Glass Doors - Good for shooting

  • Perfect Layout for a department of transport

  • Multiple Custom Props with full collisions

  • Support Included

The perfect way to give your city a real Victorian feel: Preview Below:

Code is accessible N/A - Map
Subscription-based No - But A Subscription Pack Is Available
Lines (approximately) N/A - Map
Requirements Server Build 4960+ and Game Build 2189+
Support Yes
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why are your maps soooo over priced for single mlos bro lol


Cause we now offer a subscription service and no one else offers the type of Australian maps we offer. So since our market is small for it to be worth our time we now offer a monthly subscription of $55 to get access to all our current maps and future maps

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bruh 178 dollars for this… what are you smoking down under? please send that up here.


but to be honest Not everyone wants to pay and monthly fee bro… or even use all your maps . … please dont take this as hate … the models are good … just dont understand why such a high price per mlo … i get that you made the package cheaper … maybe try knocking down the price per mlo to 60


like i said not every server is going to want to use all the maps lol … charge 150+ for one map is kinda high


We used to run them at this price previously. If they want access to our maps we prefer they use our subscription as the Australian market is a lot smaller. So for it to be worth our time and for the team to be well compensated for all the unique custom props, textures, videos etc they make this is our price point. We don’t expect people to buy our standalone option. But it’s there for those who don’t want to subscribe it just cost a lot more because once again its a much smaller market. If it was American based I would not have it so high as there is much higher demand over there. But these are uniquely Australian so that’s the price if they don’t want to subscribe. Most of our customers already buy multiple of our maps anyway and are keen for our future releases as there is not much in terms of Australian maps so even though you might not understand I’m sure they will :slight_smile: Thanks for your feedback though


Ahaha the good stuff cuzzie

like i said bro please dont take my feed back as hate as its not … i just didnt understand the logic behind the pricing :slight_smile:


Yeah all good! :slight_smile:

its obv about the money, but yet youd likely make more money if the price was more reasonable because it could be approached by more servers.

It isnt about being exclusive, rare, or some special vision for a server.

Simply put, subscription or not. Youd be in a better position, pricing this more fair to make it approachable for others.

I dont think anyone is hating on the work, its the business principle you are trying to enforce that is gonna push others another way.

Cheers! Puff puff pass

Not really though cause we still offer a reasonable price through our subscription. We are just trying to push more customers towards the subscription rather than standalone packages as this will help us as a team whilst also helping them receive a plethora of maps for a very reasonable price.

" its the business principle you are trying to enforce that is gonna push others another way. "

He’s got a point, he’s selling a niche product to a niche audience. It isn’t much different that selling audio equipment to audiophiles, but with a high price tag comes high expectations…

If I may make a recommendation… When you dev out your mapping, keep this in mind: The rest of the world has no idea what Aussie specific mapping looks like. If you make the brands semi ambiguous and you leave certain files editable/swappable, then you can lower your prices a bit to bring them into the market’s expectation.

This will also contribute to you broadening your target demograph beyond just Aussie markets.

I clicked on this because it looked like a dealership, I had no clue it was Aussie. Perhaps you could have some files Aussie servers can swap into your files that will allow them to have that Aussie specific look you’re going for.

Just an idea.

I believe time is valuable and I know how much effort goes into deving anything, and creators should be compensated accordingly for their time, but the market does have it’s own expectations as well.

It’s our responsibility to stand firm when we need to and bend to expectations when needed, as well.

Best of luck!

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Maybe the reason the audience is so small is because the price is so high. Also I own the NSW mlo and it wasn’t this expensive when I bought it and definitely not worth 200. It’s one room very basic interior with very basic props.

Don’t forget we still have it available via our subscription pack. Which is only $55 a month which is more than fair for all the maps included and are to be included. 80% of those “basic” props were made from scratch, I would consider “basic” to be default GTA props, we put in the time an effort to create custom props to give it more a of real feel. But I agree its not worth what we have priced it at and as previously mentioned we don’t expect anyone to buy for that much, however there are people that may just want the one map, the only reason its priced at that amount is help encourage people to go for the Subscription as this will give the support our team needs to continue creating content and providing even more value to our subscription (which will not go up in price mind you).

I’m not intersted in a subscription pack, if i’m paying for something i want to be able to keep it that’s why i bought the nsw mlo and aus post originally and it was priced decently when i got it. Take a look at someone like Gabz, he charges like $25 a month and you get close to 50 maps, and his standalones are around $50 each. I know it’s a smaller market but honestly as someone whose bought from you guys before, this has turned me off doing so again.

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Ok that’s fine, we did expect to lose some customers. But if we didn’t do this we wouldn’t have been creating any more custom Australian content at all as it simply would not have been worth our time. Yes gabz does charge that much, but you have to remember he has been around for a lot longer than us hence the more maps (as previously stated we will not be raising our price on our subscription - no matter how many maps get added to it) since we have a unique niche of the Australian market its a lot smaller than the market Gabz has hence the slightly higher price tag of ($55) at the end of the day we are looking for customers who want to support our Australian development. As that’s why majority of our customers love us in the first place… its because we are the only team that work on proper Australian based maps. But if that’s not worth something to you I don’t know what else to say lol. I think $55 is more than reasonable (and it will get more reasonable with time as we add more and more to it). After all the fee’s etc. the team is probably left with about $30 to go around. Also we could have just completely removed the options of standalones but we choose the keep them for those who REALLY wanted them instead of the subscription, they just cost more (roughly 3-4months worth of a subscription) cause that’s what my team and myself’s time is worth.

again, you are trying to force people into a subscription

Not even Gabz charges $55 for his sub and overs 4x as much as you offered to a wide variety of people.

get a clue fam.