[PAID] [MLO] Dreamworks Customs - Mechanic Workshop

Dreamworks Customs - Mechanic Workshop

Juniors Interiors would like to proudly present to you Dreamworks Customs. Located on the La Puerta Heliport and Dock, This mechanic can accommodate everything from custom automobile works to boat and helicopter repairs. This mechanic unlike so many before it focuses on a clean and professional look, similar to the likes of those that you would see within a high end car dealership.


  • A Fully Furnished and custom modelled mechanic and executive office building
  • 7 Fully customizable Paintings
  • Unique Mechanic bays with emissive lights and Dyno
  • Central location with in the city of Los Santos.

Location: La Puerta

Video: Dreamworks Customs | MLO Showcase | FiveM Custom Mechanic

Buy Here: TEBEX STORE ($64 USD Excluding Tax)

Images: Imgur Gallery

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Game Build 2372 or Greater
Support Yes

good, pity that many assets do not come from your hands.

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Nice work but price is to high